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Collagen Services

19 services found
  • based in USA

    Collagen is a basic component of the extracellular matrix and the most abundant protein in the animal body, accounting for about 30% of the total protein. It is a glycoprotein, composed of three polypeptide α-chains with Gly-XY repeating residues (Gly stands for glycine, X for proline, Y for hydroxyproline), and is renowned for its triple helix structure. ...

  • Manufactured by Creative Biolabs
    based in USA

    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a typical, chronic autoimmune disease that primarily affects the joints, ultimately leading to synovitis that often develops into cartilage and bone erosion, apart from which, extra-articular features are presented, including subcutaneous nodules, vasculitis, and pulmonary fibrosis, particularly in severer ...

  • Manufactured by Creative Biolabs
    based in USA

    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a typical, chronic autoimmune disease that primarily affects the joints, ultimately leading to synovitis that often develops into cartilage and bone erosion, apart from which, extra-articular features are presented, including subcutaneous nodules, vasculitis, and pulmonary fibrosis, particularly in severer cases. Of the various animal models of rheumatoid arthritis ...

  • Manufactured by Regenity
    based in USA

    At Regenity Biosciences, we own end-to-end control of manufacturing logistics and proprietary processes to deliver collagen, our synthetic polymers and other biomaterials with unmatched purity, quality, consistency, and ...

  • Manufactured by Creative Bioarray
    based in USA

    Human Primary Fibroblasts is a type of cell that synthesizes extracellular matrix and collagen, which form the basic framework structure of biological connective tissue in animals and play an important role in tissue repair. As well as being present as fibroblasts, these cells exist in an alternative state, as fibrocytes. Fibroblast is the term used to describe these cells when ...

  • Manufactured by Regenity
    based in USA

    Securing approvals can be challenging amid a shifting regulatory landscape. With a deep history in collagen-based products and polymer science, we support our clients through global regulatory submissions, claims development, as well as clinical study and protocol development consultations. With years of experience designing preclinical and clinical studies for regenerative ...

  • based in USA

    Class III medical devices are medical devices that pose potential danger to the human body and require strict control to ensure their safety and effectiveness. These devices typically include implants, life-supporting or life-sustaining devices, and equipment that poses potential danger to the human ...

  • based in AUSTRALIA

    As we age, our skin gets thinner, drier and our collagen and elastin production slows. As a result, we start to see the signs of ageing form on our skin including wrinkles, creases and ...

  • based in AUSTRALIA

    As we age, our face loses the volume it once had which can leave us looking less defined, tired and sunken. This is caused by our body’s reduction in collagen and elastin production which over the years, continues to ...

  • based in AUSTRALIA

    It is particularly beneficial for the improvement of sagging tissue in the cheeks, around the mouth, and throughout the jaw region. The treatment also effectively stimulates collagen production in the skin to give a boost in volume, structure and support. Ever stood in front of the mirror and pulled your cheeks back towards your ears? Does it look better? If yes, then this ...

  • based in TURKEY

    AHA stops bleeding by forming a physical barrier at the bleeding site and thus exerts a mechanical ...

  • Yücel Medical and Textile Products Industry Trade and Limited Company started R & D studies in 2005 with its engineer and chemist staff to produce local Hemostats imported in our ...

  • based in AUSTRALIA

    While redness, rosacea and capillaries are all very different skin concerns, they do have a few things in common. Appearing flushed can be frustrating and uncomfortable, and all can be particularly difficult to treat with topical ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Based on our comprehensive expertise in developing and manufacturing medical devices and modern production facilities MBP GmbH offers the following ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Fast turnaround, accurate data; enabling you to move forward with confidence. Quantitative Digital Pathology provides detailed cell by cell data to enhance decision making in NASH & Fibrosis research. Our dedicated team of image analysis scientists have extensive experience in the accurate quantification of fibrosis, steatosis and inflammation. ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    In vitro assessment of Fibroblast-to-Myofibroblast transition (FMT). Newcells offers a fast and reliable FMT assay service to evaluate the efficacy of anti-fibrotic compounds using high-content imaging. This customisable, high-throughput assay is well suited to compound screening for small molecules targeting lung fibrosis. Normal repair processes are defective in the fibrotic lung. Repetitive ...

  • based in AUSTRALIA

    A fresh, renewed radiant glow is just the beginning of a long list of benefits associated with injectables. The Skin Lab are the specialists in advanced cosmetic injectables and our Cosmetic Physician Doctor Tony Tanious is renowned for his signature liquid face ...

  • based in USA

    Protein molecules are ampholytes. When the pH of the solution is adjusted so that the positive and negative charges on the protein molecules are equal, the protein molecules do not move towards either the positive or negative electrodes in an electric field. At this point, the pH of the solution is the isoelectric point (pI) of the protein. The isoelectric point of a protein is closely related to ...

  • Manufactured by B-Cure Laser
    based in ISRAEL

    The thoracic spine is also referred to as the upper or middle back. It is designed for stability to anchor the rib cage and protect vital internal organs within the chest. Pain in the upper back is usually a result of poor posture, overuse of muscles, or injury. The upper back is the area between the base of the neck and the bottom of the ribcage. There are 12 bones that make the upper back, ...

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