Liquid Facelift Treatments
From Cosmetic Injectables
A fresh, renewed radiant glow is just the beginning of a long list of benefits associated with injectables. The Skin Lab are the specialists in advanced cosmetic injectables and our Cosmetic Physician Doctor Tony Tanious is renowned for his signature liquid face lifts.
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Liquid face lifts are the minimally invasive solution to lift and brighten dull features and turn back the clock quickly and easily without the need for surgery. Addressing loss of volume, fine lines and wrinkles, asymmetry and poor skin quality liquid facelifts are fast gaining increasing popularity over traditional facelifts and thread lifts.
Performed with a combination of Dermal Fillers, anti-wrinkle injections and hydrating collagen stimulating products, our specialist Doctors can address multiple areas of concern and restore and enhance natural and youthful features quickly and easily in all age groups.
What to expect
How do Liquid Facelift treatments work?
A loss of facial volume, sagging skin, lines and wrinkles can be a source of insecurity for many, and cannot easily be corrected or improved with makeup or skincare. We can, however, add shape, structure and volume using Dermal Fillers, which can dramatically sculpt and redefine the shape and texture of the face and lift sagging skin and jowls. Dermal fillers are formulated from hyaluronic acid a natural sugar already present in our skin and tissues which decreases with age, making dermal filler a natural restorative treatment process to improve skin texture, integrity and health.
Aside from the loss of our natural bone structure, we can also see a deterioration of our facial features over time thanks to the natural ageing process, where you may start to notice a drooping appearance, lines and wrinkles, and loss of volume. Utilising Dermal Fillers, hydrating collagen bio-stimulant and anti-wrinkle injections, liquid facelifts can not only be used to add volume, shape and definition to the face, but they can also be used to rejuvenate the skin texture, correct asymmetry, improve the appearance of dark circles and bags under the eyes, create higher cheekbones, enhance the chin and lift an ageing jaw line. Performed by our specialist medical doctors, we harness our less is more approach to create stunning definition that looks natural, youthful, lifted and refreshed.
What are the benefits?There are many benefits to Liquid Facelifts which are customised to match individual goals.
These include:
- reducing fine lines and deep facial grooves
- sculpt and lift your face
- create definition
- restoring volume to your cheeks
- Boost collagen and restore your complexion to a refreshed and more youthful state
- Lifting drooping jowls
- Brightening and tightening under the eyes
- Enhance the chin and side profile
- Enhance and restore lip volume
- Soften fine lines and crepiness around the mouth and nose
Liquid Facelift treatments generally last up to 18 months as the body reabsorbs the filler overtime. To maintain your youthful complexion, repeat treatments are required every few years.
I’m booked in for a treatment! Do I need to do anything beforehand?Great! We look forward to welcoming you to The Skin Lab. No special preparation is required prior to your Liquid Facelift treatment, we encourage you to come as you are with or without makeup.
All Liquid Facelift treatments begin with a comprehensive consultation where you’ll share your medical history, background and treatment goals. Together, we’ll formulate a treatment plan to achieve your objectives and determine where injections will be administered for maximum benefit.
During your appointment, a numbing agent will be administered, and your treatment area will be mapped out and examined. Dermal Filler, collagen bio-stimulant and anti-wrinkle is injected into the treatment areas to achieve your desired goals and begin the enhancement process. To assist with any treatment discomfort, ice packs are applied to the treatment area post-injections. Sessions take between 30 and 45 minutes and produce fast and effective results with minimal recovery time.
What can I expect afterwards?Following your Liquid Facelift, the area may appear larger than you wish due to swelling. This is not your final result and once the swelling has subsided over 3-5 days, your enhancement results will be revealed. You may experience bruising to the treatment area that can be concealed with mineral makeup.
Your doctor will provide you comprehensive post-treatment advice and instructions. These include avoiding excess sun exposure, extreme hot or cold exposure (such as saunas or cryotherapy) and facial treatments such as massage or laser therapies that could alter your results.
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