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Medical Infection Services

8 services found
  • based in FINLAND

    ELERS MEDICAL’s extensive portfolio of proven preventive Infection Prevention solutions represent the highest standard in quality and innovation. Healthcare facilities around the world currently benefit from not only the patented and Internationally Approved Infection control range of products supplied by ELERS MEDICAL, but ...

  • based in USA

    SRP Environmental LLC specializes in risk evaluation and catastrophe response in hospitals and medical facilities. SRP's Catastrophe Response Team is specifically trained to mitigate risk and reduce liability in healthcare facilities following a fire, wind or water loss. SRP's industrial hygienists are experienced in the special needs of medical facilities ...

  • Manufactured by PURE Bioscience, Inc.
    based in USA

    Rapid Efficacy Against Pathogens: Every year, thousands of people become ill from hospital acquired infections (HAIs). As the recent global COVID-19 scare demonstrates, the modern world is not immune to contagion. PURE Bioscience offers effective SDC-based cleaning and disinfecting products to defend healthcare organizations and medical communities against ...

  • Manufactured by Sage Products LLC
    based in USA

    Support for Conducting Clinical Research: Investigator-Initiated Studies (IIS) Program. Physician and nurse investigators who want to conduct research using our products are invited to request support through our Investigator-Initiated Studies (IIS) ...

  • Manufactured by Sage Products LLC
    based in USA

    Physician and nurse investigators who want to conduct research using our products are invited to request support through our Investigator-Initiated Studies (IIS) ...

  • based in USA

    Sepsis is a condition that occurs when the body over-reacts to serious infection. It is a medical emergency and is life threatening. Sepsis almost always starts with an infection somewhere in the body. These infections are usally taken care of by the immune system effectively, but sometimes the immune system over-reacts, ...

  • Manufactured by MeMed
    based in ISRAEL

    We have been collaborating with leading clinicians, scientists and commercial partners around the globe to develop and validate a proprietary set of rapid blood tests with the aim of empowering physicians to tackle some of the most challenging clinical dilemmas. These tests build on an exquisitely informative system – the human immune system. Using low and high-throughput molecular ...

  • Manufactured by KORU Medical Systems
    based in USA

    We normally have some of these organisms that live in or on our bodies. Usually they are harmless or even helpful, however they sometimes can cause infections. These infections can be spread from one person to another, either directly or indirectly. They can also be spread by contaminated food, water, or other environmental sources. ...

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