Elers Medical Finland Ltd.

Elers Medical Finland Ltd.

Elers Medical Finland Ltd.

We design and manufacture a complete range of over 30 different unique professional infection control products, the latest product group being Elers Medical Antimicrobial Disposable Curtains. ELERS MEDICAL was established to transform the health and well being of millions of people worldwide. We work constantly to find ways to reduce hospital-acquired infections, which account for 136.000 deaths and $27.7 billion in direct hospital costs annually only in the EU and USA.

Company details

Niittytaival 13 , Espoo , FI-02200 Finland
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Business Type:
Industry Type:
Medical Equipment
Market Focus:
Internationally (various countries)

This company also provides solutions for other industrial applications.
Please, visit the following links for more info:

Your Complete Partner in Innovative Preventive Care Solutions.

We strive to find the latest technologies that prevent Hospital Infection outbreaks and get these innovations to our partners and end users safely.

We design, manufacture and distribute a complete range of unique infection control products. Our mission is to bring the global healthcare costs down by 1%, as the Hospital Acquired infections cause the world healthcare a 9% cost.

WHO warns common infections will no longer have a cure and could lead to persistent death. This is due to the fact that we are using the last resource of antibiotics. We provide solutions that help people handle these challenges we are inevitably facing.

Built on Scandinavian roots, combined with team of international experts gives us an edge for getting new ideas to the market rapidly. This is why we’re one of the fastest growing companies in infection control industry – We transform healthcare.

Conserving Environment
Our driving ambition of improving the health and wellbeing of hospital patients, where ever they are in the world, requires us taking into consideration the direct and indirect impacts our business pose on environment, society and economy. We are continuously innovating to produce products which are as sustainable and as environmentally friendly as possible. One of our strategic corner stones is the reduction of laundry services which poses high costs to healthcare budget and increases carbon emissions in the global healthcare industry.

Our People
We embrace the Nordic values thorough our organization no matter where our colleagues are located. All our global production is done with the highest responsibility towards our employees. Equality is valued among all of us no matter what the job title or position might be. Our whole organization is very quality oriented and proud of our roots and products.