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Collagen Medical Suppliers & Manufacturers

5 companies found
  • Orthocell Ltd.
    based in Murdoch, AUSTRALIA

    Orthocell is a world-leading regenerative medicine company providing innovative products to restore mobility, function and performance. Orthocell Ltd is a regenerative medicine company dedicated to the development of novel collagen medical devices ...

    Orthocell CelGro - Collagen Medical Device Platform Technologies

    Orthocell CelGro - Collagen Medical Device Platform Technologies

    CelGro™ collagen medical device platform technologies is used to augment tissue repair and regeneration. CelGro™ is manufactured using a proprietary SMRT™ tissue engineering process to preserve the ...

    based in CHAPONOST, FRANCE

    Since its creation in 1997, SYMATESE has been continuously investing in Research & Development to innovate for its own in-house products as well as for its partners. As a part of its partnerships, SYMATESE has been sharing its experience and ...

    Model COLLAPAT II - Collagen Medical Device

    Model COLLAPAT II - Collagen Medical Device

    COLLAPAT®II is a collagen medical device containing hydroxyapatite used as bone substitute in orthopaedics, spine surgery and in maxillo facial surgery and odonto-stomatology. COLLAPAT® II is a bone void ...

  • MBP – Medical Biomaterial Products GmbH
    based in Neustadt-Glewe, GERMANY

    The MBP – Medical Biomaterial Products GmbH in Northern Germany develops, manufactures and markets collagen based medical devices for hemostasis, wound care and tissue regeneration. MBP gathered significant expertise in collagen and works ...

    MBP - Service

    MBP - Service

    Based on our comprehensive expertise in developing and manufacturing medical devices and modern production facilities MBP GmbH offers the following ...

  • EnColl Corporation
    based in Fremont, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    EnColl Corporation, established in 1994, is a California corporation that develops, manufactures and markets Type-I collagen-based products. EnColl uses its patented technology for the preparation of high purity and charge modified collagen (U.S. ...

  • Light Sources, Inc.
    based in Orange, CONNECTICUT (USA)

    When Christian L. Sauska and his former business partners established Light Sources, Inc. in 1983, they envisioned a company that offered global OEM lamp designs and manufacturing with state-of-the-art technology and exceptional service and support. ...

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