Patient Care Software In Germany

11 software items found
  • based in USA

    Turn to Softeq to design IoT healthcare devices along with their supporting software: full-fledged operating systems, drivers, cloud-based data analytics tools, medical device interfaces, and mobile apps. Our team of experts will help you navigate the stringent healthcare security standards, including FDA, HITRUST, HIPAA, HL7, DICOM, and ISO ...

  • based in NETHERLANDS

    Harmony is a web-based software solution that connects all examination instruments, eye care professionals, and the latest technologies to ensure the best possible patient care and customer ...

  • Manufactured by Carl Zeiss Meditec AG
    based in GERMANY

    Efficient and effective data management has never been more important in providing quality care than it is right now. FORUM from ZEISS is the leading ophthalmic data management solution that can be tailored to meet the needs of any practice or hospital setting. ZEISS FORUM and its clinical workplaces facilitate assessment and management of eye diseases by providing seamless data ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Digital patient care with the m.Doc Smart Clinic patient portal. The patient portal of the m.Doc Smart Clinic is the holistic solution for the digital future of any clinic, rehab or care facility. The application is ground breaking when it comes to patient-friendly digitization. ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Due to its high capability of integration with other primary systems, such as the HIS, this creates a seamless communication loop which increases the quality of patient care while optimizing efficiency in healthcare institutions. JiveX Healthcare Content Management provides the consolidated database required for networking medical ...

  • based in USA

    Data sourced from the EHRs of U.S. healthcare organizations forms the foundation of this combined data asset, providing a rich clinical picture of patients from encounters with providers, lab results, procedures, medication orders, and genomics. Medical and pharmacy claims provide insight into a patient’s care before and after these ...

  • based in GERMANY

    Presbyopia treatment with a unique wide range of uses. With the SCHWIND CAM PresbyMAX module, doctors can help patients with limited accommodative response see comfortably at all distances. Numerous publications document the success of these presbyopia surgery treatments with very good clinical outcomes. ...

  • based in GERMANY

    BEWATEC.ConnectedCare connects nursing staff and patients. In order to generate added value for the people in hospitals, you need a platform like BEWATEC.ConnectedCare. It is highly flexible in the way it integrates modules and services for hospitals and brings them to the patients via BEWATEC tablets or mobile devices such as iPads. ...

  • based in USA

    TeraRecon is continually innovating to bring the industry the latest in AV capabilities! Intuition 4.6 includes Dual Monitor Support, Patient List Filtering, Glow Rendering, New Measurement Tools, HL7 Communication Protocol, and an all-new Neuro Perfusion ...

  • based in GERMANY

    JiveX Healthcare Connect adapts perfectly to the requirements and needs of individual healthcare stakeholders. It provides solutions for sharing medical information for patients, medical health facilities, the medical services of health insurance companies. To be able to communicate medical data across facility boundaries in a meaningful and use-based manner, JiveX Healthcare ...

  • Manufactured by CENTOGENE N.V.
    based in GERMANY

    Analyze, interpret, and report genomic variants with our decentralized diagnostic solution – no matter where you are located. CentoCloud is a cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS) platform specifically designed for the rapid bioinformatic analysis and interpretation of Next-Generation-Sequencing (NGS) data based on CENTOGENE’s proprietary Biodatabank and external reference ...

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