Physiotherapy Services
Manufactured by Daeyang Medical Co., Ltd.based in SOUTH KOREA
We have secured source technology for high frequency thermal therapy that has been clinically recognized for a long time, and we are developing various treatment protocols and applying them to our products. We will continue to strive to develop safe professional medical ...
Manufactured by Creative Therapybased in BELGIUM
With Matti as a digital rehabilitation tool & broad measurement tool you can easily revitalise your physiotherapy plan. ...
by BeCurebased in GERMANY
Becure is a techno-rehabilitation solution that provides assessment and patient development reports that can be used to perform objective measurements while using rehabilitation exercises. Becure uses different type of sensors and allows special exercises programs for the patients who needs physiotherapy for various reasons such as loss of motion range, speed and coordination ...
by 4cRiskbased in AUSTRALIA
4cRisk uses the WorkHab functional capacity evaluation protocol. Mr David Roberts, our physiotherapist was one of the co-developers of the WorkHab system and as such has an in-depth knowledge of how to get the best picture of your worker. 4cRisk utilizes our Telehealth system to provide EAP services to remote ...
by NEO MDbased in USA
NEOMD delivers healthcare software tailored to a variety of medical specialties, including cancer care, cardiology, allergology, physiotherapy, chronic disease management, mental health management, and more. Healthcare software development services involve designing, developing, testing, and, if required, maintaining healthcare-related applications. For 16+ years, NEOMD has been ...
Manufactured by Orthocell Ltd.based in AUSTRALIA
Clinical trials are an important step in obtaining regulatory approval for new treatments. Participants volunteer to receive the experimental treatment and are observed closely to determine its effects. Orthocell's clinical trials are conducted in compliance with the the International Conference on Harmonisation Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice(ICH/GCP). GCP is an international ethical and ...
Manufactured by Onda Corporationbased in USA
We provide general guidance, reporting, and measurements services for regulatory measurements in accordance with the IEC 60601 series ...
by Advancellsbased in INDIA
“Cerebral” indicates a part of the brain and “Palsy” refers to muscular weakness. Cerebral Palsy is a broad term comprising of several non-progressive “Chronic Palsies” that affect balance, movement, posture, intelligence quotient, and muscle tones. Although the symptomatic expression of Cerebral Palsy may start at any age, the cause of its occurrence is deeply ...
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