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Disease Severity Services

13 services found
  • Manufactured by ProBioGen AG
    based in GERMANY

    Biologics have revolutionized the treatment of a number of severe diseases and thus given hope to countless patients. Your aim is to create a biosimilar that has the same properties as a successful biologic but is more affordable and hence available to even more patients. You need the process to be perfectly reliable for outstanding results and fast success. ...

  • Manufactured by Creative Biolabs
    based in USA

    Autophagy is a key catabolic process that ensures the removal of excess or damaged cellular components under physiological and pathological conditions, and provides a metabolic supply in the absence of extracellular nutrients, thereby maintaining the proper balance of cells. Optimal autophagy activity plays an important protective role in several human diseases, ...

  • based in USA

    Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a high molecular weight anionic polysaccharide (1,000-10,000 kD) composed of repeating disaccharides. Many chronic liver diseases, including infection, toxicity, genetic, autoimmunity, and malignancy result in liver inflammation and an increase in circulating HA levels. HA levels correspond with severity of disease. ...

  • Manufactured by Pharmigene, Inc.
    based in TAIWAN

    The flora in an intestine is an essential role in a human body, which has many functions, such as the digestion and the absorption of food nutrients with intestinal cells, the resistant of externally harmful substances, and the protection of intestinal and human health. Many medical research has found that the flora in a intestine is highly related to several ...

  • based in SWITZERLAND

    We are an innovative medicines company with research and development at our core. Our R&D engine powers an industry-leading pipeline focused on delivering transformative medicines to fight disease, restore possibility and help people live life on their own terms. Researchers in Biomedical Research work across several diseases areas to uncover ...

  • Manufactured by MedGenome Inc.
    based in USA

    Detailed RNA specific QC reports. Differential expression analysis. Pathway enrichment analysis. Fusion and splicing event analysis with interactive genome browser to visualize results. Proprietary tumor microenvironment ...

  • Manufactured by medi GmbH & Co. KG
    based in GERMANY

    There are also surgical procedures to remove pathologically altered veins. The physician decides what therapeutic measures to take based on the severity of the disease and patient-specific ...

  • Manufactured by MeMed
    based in ISRAEL

    Using low and high-throughput molecular measurements, the application of bioinformatics and machine learning approaches, we've identified biomarkers that are key players in the body's response to different disease states. These biomarkers and algorithms are now being integrated into immunological fingerprints for decoding multiple disease ...

  • Manufactured by CENTOGENE N.V.
    based in GERMANY

    CentoICU – Genetic Testing When Every Moment Counts. Up to one-third of all babies and children admitted to the ICU have a genetic disease. For many patients, early identification can make a difference in their immediate and long-term ...

  • based in SWITZERLAND

    Leading-edge therapies that leverage the microbiome promise to address a range of serious diseases that currently don’t have adequate solutions. Microbiome-based therapies are de-risked thanks to the established proof-of-concept with fecal matter transplant ...

  • Manufactured by Arthus Biosystems, LLC
    based in USA

    SAM analog and antibody: One of the important S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) analogs has a very good thermostability and yet a high hygroscopicity. This analog can also be used as a standard in in intro assays of ...

  • based in USA

    Endocannabinoids are amphipathilic molecules synthesized from phospholipids in the nervous system. They are a part of the endocannabinoid system, which includes G protein-coupled receptors. The most extensively studied endocannabinoids are N-arachidonoylethanolamine (anandamide) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol ...

  • Manufactured by nVector
    based in USA

    Due to similarities in their symptomatic progression can be difficult to differentiate ALS from several other disease mimics (motor neuropathy, progressive muscle atrophy, etc.) until it is too late for intervention to have any real effect. With an earlier diagnosis, and therefore earlier treatment, current clinical care may significantly increase the lifespan of ...

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