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Cancer Diagnosis Services

12 services found
  • Manufactured by Grail, Inc.
    based in USA

    The study has enrolled approximately 15,000 participants across 142 sites in the United States and Canada, and includes both people who had cancer at the time of enrollment (newly diagnosed, and not yet received treatment) and people who did not have a known cancer diagnosis. Planned follow-up for all participants is at least five years to ...

  • Manufactured by MiraDx
    based in USA

    Independent of their BRCA1/BRCA2 mutational status, ...

  • based in USA

    A mammogram procedure is simply an X-ray image of your breast. Mammography uses a low dose X-ray to look for early signs of breast cancer, such as lumps that are too small to be felt either by yourself or your healthcare provider. A mammogram can also show changes in your breast tissue which could indicate early-stage breast cancer. Our radiologists use digital ...

  • based in USA

    The goal of the French Kidney Cancer Research Network (Réseau Français de Recherche sur le Cancer du Rein) is to connect a National, multidisciplinary network of medical and scientific professionals who focus on therapeutic management and applied research into kidney cancer. ...

  • Manufactured by Grail, Inc.
    based in USA

    A subset of the data from STRIVE will be used to help validate GRAIL’s blood test for the early detection of multiple cancer types. Participants completed a health questionnaire and provided a blood sample around the time of their screening mammogram and will be followed for up to five years to capture clinical outcome data, including cancer ...

  • Manufactured by GENCURIX
    based in SOUTH KOREA

    Gencurix R&D Center is performing ceaseless research activities to developing the ‘multiplex assay’ which is core technology for economy in expenditures, time and samples. We have accumulated research capabilities and experiences of entire development process of molecular diagnostic ...

  • based in USA

    Jasper Health Care Coaches can: Augment existing coaching & care management teams, Deliver psychosocial support coaching, Train existing coaches and care management teams on psychosocial support, Connect the dots in a disconnected health care system and connect to health plan resources, Be your employee coaching service for cancer and other serious ...

  • Manufactured by UroTech
    based in USA

    Like UroTech's thermotherapy and lithotripsy services, UroTech delivers top of the line equipment and expertise to facilities seeking to improve their services for prostate cancer. We work hand in hand with radiation oncologists, physicists, and urologists to develop Centers of Excellence for ...

  • This year alone, oral cancer, including oral cancer, will affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals and their families. ...

  • Histology, tissue staining using the latest in automated staining platforms, and digital pathology services form the foundation of a strong anatomic pathology program. Anatomic Pathology at NeoGenomics offers in-house comprehensive diagnostic services, backed by highly trained professionals, to provide oncologists and pathologists the information they need to determine the best treatment strategy ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Shown to detect lung cancer on average four years earlier compared to current standard clinical diagnosis, EarlyCDT Lung can also provide an effective assessment of cancer risk in indeterminate pulmonary nodules ...

  • Detecting, Diagnosing and Treating Cancer: To detect, diagnose, and treat internal cancer requires a team of healthcare providers led generally by three specialist physicians: oncologists, radiologists, and pathologists. Upon examining a patient, and assessing the indicators for the presence of the disease, the oncologist consults with the radiologist and the ...

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