Orthocell Ltd.

Orthocell Ltd.

- Model CelGro - Native Collagen Membrane


CelGro™ is a native collagen membrane used for guided bone and tissue regeneration procedures. CelGro™ Dental has a natural bilayer structure consisting of a rough and smooth side. The smooth side of CelGro™ Dental is placed facing the oral cavity to prevent gingival soft tissue growing into the defect space during bone healing. The rough side, placed facing the defect, provides a favorable environment for new bone growth. CelGro™ Dental is manufactured without crosslinking or chemical modification for optimal tissue integration. CelGro™ Dental remains in situ long enough to for bone regeneration to occur before being completely resorbed, and a second procedure to remove the membrane is not required. CelGro™ Dental is flexible and easy to handle but strong enough to be sutured or pinned in place.

Celgro Dental is Indicated for Use In

  • Augmentation around implants placed in immediate extraction sockets;
  • Augmentation around implants placed in delayed extraction sockets;
  • Localized ridge augmentation for later implantation;
  • Alveolar ridge reconstruction for prosthetic treatment;
  • Filling of bone defects after root resection, cystectomy or removal of retained teeth;
  • Guided bone regeneration in dehiscence defects; and
  • Guided tissue regeneration procedures in periodontal defects.

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