Trauma Care Equipment Supplied In USA

3 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by Odulair, LLC
    based in USA

    The Mobile Trauma Unit and Mobile Trauma Center are mobile medical vehicles designed and manufactured by Odulair to provide the highest level of trauma care for life threatening ...

  • based in USA

    How quickly you start cooling a patient impacts survival and neurological function, especially after a hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) diagnosis or cardiac arrest. That’s why clinicians call on CritiCool, a simple and effective thermal regulating ...

  • Manufactured by Bio-Tissue, Inc.
    based in USA

    PROKERA biologic corneal bandage devices are used by eye doctors around the world to heal and treat ocular conditions such as keratitis, moderate to severe dry eye disease, recurrent corneal erosions, filamentary keratitis, persistent epithelial defects, neurotrophic corneas, herpetic ulcers, and many other ocular surface diseases such as chemical burns and Stevens-Johnson syndrome. The PROKERA ...

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