Real-Time PCR Equipment Supplied In USA
Manufactured by Chai Inc.based in USA
Precise, Consistent qPCR Results: Ultra-tight replicates. Results so repeatable they can be compared across runs. Quantification so accurate that two-fold differences in gene expression can be ...
Manufactured by Cole-Parmer - Antylia Scientificbased in USA
The PCRmax Eco 48 utilises patented block and optical technologies to deliver extreme speed, sensitivity and data quality, with optimised protocol as fast as 15 minutes, all using standard plasticware and consumables, sensitivity down to 1 copy detection and the world most accurate block the Eco 48 will deliver Speed. Confidence. Performance. Value and ...
by Diasorinbased in ITALY
Sample-to-answer, real-time PCR systems designed for improved laboratory efficiency and workflow. ARIES and ARIES M1 Systems are Luminex’s sample-to-answer, real-time PCR systems that are crafted to increase laboratory efficiency, ensure result accuracy, and fit seamlessly into ...
Manufactured by Infitek Co., Ltd.based in CHINA
On board software with large screen panel, easy for use:7-inch color touch screen shows all parameters, test results and real time testing ...
Manufactured by LG Chem, Ltd.based in SOUTH KOREA
Intended Use: A reagent for in vitro diagnostic devices that qualitatively detect Clostridium difficile present in human feces or cultured bacteria using PCR test. System: SLAN-96P - Device used to amplify a specific gene (DNA) for diagnosis of ...
Manufactured by Agilent Technologies, Inc.based in USA
Total Confidence qPCR delivering flexibility, precision, and performance. The AriaMx Real-Time PCR System is a fully integrated quantitative PCR amplification, detection, and data analysis system. The system design combines a state-of-the-art thermal cycler, an advanced optical system with an LED excitation source, and complete ...
Manufactured by Infitek Co., Ltd.based in CHINA
As a necessary choice for quantitative analysis of molecular biology, real-time PCR system has been widely used in various fields such as scientific research, clinical detection and diagnosis, quality and safety testing, and forensic ...
based in USA
Effortless, reliable, IVD qPCR system to meet your unique needs. For over 10 years, Thermo Fisher Scientific has developed high-performance, superior, real-time PCR (qPCR) instruments for clinical laboratories all over the world. We have also been committed to developing systems that meet the specific needs of clinical, diagnostic, and assay ...
Manufactured by OnsiteGene Inc.based in USA
The XDive™ superfast real-time PCR system offers state-of-the art technology, user-friendly software, and affordable superfast PCR consumables and reagents. Unlike a traditional PCR system, XDive™ uses an unique patented thermal cycling technology utilizing Artificial Intelligence that can not only ...
Manufactured by Chai Inc.based in USA
Precise, Consistent qPCR Results: Ultra-tight replicates. Results so repeatable they can be compared across runs. Quantification so accurate that two-fold differences in gene expression can be ...
Manufactured by Streck, Inc.based in USA
The Streck ARM-D Kit, ampC is a multiplex real-time PCR kit for the rapid detection of antibiotic resistance genes in Gram-negative bacteria. This kit detects multiple variants and differentiates plasmid-mediated ampC resistance from chromosomal resistance in the following gene families: CMY-2, DHA, ACC, EBC, FOX and MOX. ...
Manufactured by Liferiver Bio-Tech (United States) Corp.based in USA
LightCycler 1.0 (Internal control can't be used for this system); LightCycler 2.0; PE5700, MJ-Opticon & other single color systems; ABI7000, ABI7300, ABI7500, ABI7900, ABI StepOne, StepOne plus, MJ-Opticon2, MJ-chromo4, MX3000P, MX3005P, Smart Cycler II, Rotor-Gene 6000, LightCycler 480, CFX 96, Slan 96, MIC, iCycler iQ4, iCycler iQ5 & other multi-color ...
Manufactured by GenoSensor Corporationbased in USA
Provide all-in-one master mix including cDNA synthesis, PCR mix, primers and probe of each ...
Manufactured by GenoSensor Corporationbased in USA
Provide all-in-one master mix including cDNA synthesis, PCR mix, primers and probe of each ...
Manufactured by Vela Diagnostics USA Inc.based in USA
The Sentosa SA201 Real-Time PCR instrument, with Sentosa SA201 Reporter software, is a 96-well, 5-colour real-time PCR instrument. Based on Peltier block technology, the Sentosa SA201 is designed to deliver high-quality results, in a 96-well format. The Sentosa SA201 Reporter software ...
Manufactured by bioMérieux S.A.based in FRANCE
Adenovirus R-gene US Assay is a Real Time PCR in vitro diagnostic test for the rapid and qualitative detection of Adenovirus viral DNA isolated and purified from nasopharyngeal swab or nasopharyngeal wash/aspirate specimens obtained from individuals exhibiting signs and symptoms of acute respiratory ...
Manufactured by TPC Mechatronicsbased in SOUTH KOREA
ISO 13485 (Medical Devices: Quality Management Systems), 1 Light source, 1 Detection (No Crosstalk). 4 Channel Multiplex(Covid19 + General Flu Simultaneous Testing). Advanced modular optic module. ...
Manufactured by EntroGen, Inc.based in USA
PIK3CA Mutations and CancerThe PIK3CA gene encodes the p110a subunit of phosphatidyl 3-kinase, a lipid kinase involved in cell growth, proliferation, motility and survival. It has a central role in the PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway. Somatic mutations in the PIK3CA gene have been implicated in the pathogenesis of several cancers, including colon cancer, gliomas, gastric cancer, breast cancer, endometrial ...
Manufactured by CTK Biotech, Inc.based in USA
The Aridia Dengue Serotyping Real-Time PCR Test is based on the real-time amplification and detection of dengue virus (DENV) serotypes 1-4 in a one-step ...
Manufactured by HYCOR Biomedicalbased in USA
With quick and accurate tests, patients are able to receive the healthcare and treatment they need. In response to COVID-19 outbreak, HYCOR Biomedical partners with NaGene Diagnosis who has developed the Multiple Real-Time PCR kit for Detection of ...
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