Patient Transport Equipment Supplied In Michigan
Manufactured by Strykerbased in USA
Our Power-LOAD cot fastener improves operator and patient safety by supporting the cot throughout the loading and unloading ...
based in USA
Often they are used to clean not just surgical case carts, but also basins, instrument trays, wheel chairs and other supply and patient transport equipment. The CartWashCheck™ is the first test designed to challenge the mechanical efficiency of the cart washer. These convenient tests can be quickly and easily adhered to any metal surface with the peel off ...
Manufactured by Stryker Emergency Carebased in USA
Advance caregiving with a flexible defibrillator/monitor. Designed specifically for crash carts and patient transport, the LIFEPAK 20e defibrillator/ monitor offers 360J escalating biphasic energy for both manual and automated defibrillation. An optional module provides advanced monitoring and facilitates CPR ...
Manufactured by Strykerbased in USA
It’s estimated that 76% of patient ambulation orders are not met1, and that patients spend more than 96% of their hospital stay lying in bed or sitting2. Yet early and frequent mobility is crucial for patients on their road to recovery. IVEA’s features provide a simple, safe, and efficient solution to this problem, helping caregivers ...
Manufactured by Stryker Emergency Carebased in USA
Deliver high-performance, continuous chest compressions with less strain, micromanagement, and risk for the caregiver. The LUCAS chest compression system provides benefits both to the cardiac arrest patient and the resuscitation ...
Manufactured by Medtronicbased in USA
Simplify your circuit with the first oxygenator featuring integrated monitoring. The Nautilus™* Smart ECMO Module improves long-term gas transfer1 while providing real-time device performance data accessible from an intuitive touch screen. ...
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