Matrix Implant Equipment & Supplies
Manufactured by Matrix Surgical USAbased in USA
Utilizing the latest and most innovative computer imaging and modeling technologies, Matrix Surgical USA can design precisely fitted patient-specific implants ...
Manufactured by Matrix Surgical USAbased in USA
The surgeon should always cover the entire implant with a vascular flap (i.e., temporal parietal fascia flap) followed by a skin graft to prevent late exposure of the implant. JR Ear Base implants are suitable for primary or secondary repair in both congenital and traumatic ...
Manufactured by Matrix Surgical USAbased in USA
The Osteotomy Gap Implant is designed to correct the inferior border contour irregularities of the mandible which inevitably occur after sagittal split osteotomy or sliding genioplasty. Each sterile package contains two ...
Manufactured by Matrix Surgical USAbased in USA
The OMNIPORE Base and Helical Rim Implants offer maximum flexibility to the surgeon in shaping the height and projection of the helix. The surgeon should always cover the entire implant with a vascular flap (i.e., temporal parietal fascia flap) followed by a skin graft to prevent late exposure of the implant. ...
Manufactured by Matrix Surgical USAbased in USA
The Extended Orbital Rim Implant can be used to augment the inferior and lateral orbital rim in trauma or for congenital cases. The implant allows for screw fixation for initial ...
Manufactured by Matrix Surgical USAbased in USA
The Two-Piece Chin implant comes in two pieces: a right half and a left half. Segmentation facilitates easy placement of the implant. Designed for the reconstruction of the retrusive or hypoplastic chin, the two-piece design also provides flexibility and proper anatomical positioning of the implant. ...
Manufactured by Matrix Surgical USAbased in USA
Design Y Mandible Onlays benefit patients who have skeleton mandibular deficiencies or surgically altered anatomy. Implant design provides the opportunity for augmentation of ramus height and ramus width. It also provides the opportunity to alter the inclination of the mandibular plane and restore continuity of the mandibular border. The registration tab allows for ideal and ...
Manufactured by Matrix Surgical USAbased in USA
Design Y Chin implants come as a three-part assembly – right and left halves joined by a connecting tab – which allows for easier insertion. Two styles (round and square) are offered in a range of sizes to address patient needs. The Design Y Chin implants are uniquely designed with registration tabs which act as a flange to allow the ...
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