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LOQTEQ Implant Equipment & Supplies

7 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by aap Implantate AG
    based in GERMANY

    Number and placement of plate holes as well as the screw trajectories are designed for treatment of a wide range of fracture types. The distal design respects the minimal soft tissue coverage and helps preventing potential irritation due to implant prominences. ...

  • Manufactured by aap Implantate AG
    based in GERMANY

    The correction of axial malalignments in extremities is constantly gaining importance in orthopedic surgery. Particularly in regions close to the knee corrective osteotomies for varus and valgus malalignments (bowleg and knock-knee) change the load on the knee joint and may delay the need for partial or full joint replacement. With the aap osteotomy system, surgeons perform this type of elective ...

  • Manufactured by aap Implantate AG
    based in GERMANY

    The LOQTEQ® system offers a plate with a particularly small head section for the treatment of complex fractures of the proximal humerus. This allows the plate to be placed slightly lower and prevents potential impingement on the acromion. Diverging cancellous screws combined with cranially aligned buttress screws offer high primary stability and excellent retention, even in ...

  • Manufactured by aap Implantate AG
    based in GERMANY

    The Distal Lateral Femur Plate is part of the LOQTEQ® plating system. It combines anatomical fit, maximum strength and angular stability with compression capability throughout the length of the plate shaft. Targeting instruments specially designed for the femoral plate permit minimally invasive insertion technique, which aims to reduce soft tissue ...

  • Manufactured by aap Implantate AG
    based in GERMANY

    For the treatment of proximal tibia fractures the LOQTEQ® system offers 2 options: the surgeon can choose lateral plates for small or large fragment screws with virtually identical mechanical stability. The lateral plate 3.5 is complemented by medial buttress plates in the set. All proximal screws diverge for best possible purchase in the bone and thus contribute the high stability ...

  • Manufactured by aap Implantate AG
    based in GERMANY

    The LOQTEQ® plating system contains locking utility plates that can be used in various indications. Well-known designs like tubular and reconstruction plates for small fragments and locking compression plates for both, small and large bones, add stability and comfort to proven ...

  • Manufactured by aap Implantate AG
    based in GERMANY

    Clavicle fractures are among the most frequently occurring fractures. For their surgical treatment aap offers the LOQTEQ® Clavicle Fracture Set, which can be used for all common fracture types with anatomically preformed, superior plates for lateral and midshaft fractures of the clavicle, and also AC hook plates for fractures and dislocations of the acromioclavicular joint. Special ...

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