Largest prospective molecular diagnostics study in NSCLC published up to date in JCO Precision Oncology
observed with matched tissue profiling
InVisionFirst-Lung provided access to comprehensive genetic profiling (CGP) when tissue was not available
detected versus standard-of-care tissue testing
Sensitive & Specific
InVision® Platform can detect single nucleotide variants (SNVs), small insertions and deletions (InDels), copy number variant (CNVs), and structural variants (SV) such as fusions from plasma cell free DNA (cfDNA) with a detection range as low as 0.1% variant allele fraction with a mean read depth of 70,000.
Click here for InVisionFirst®-Lung clinical validation results and clinical utility data.
Timely Results
- Test results are delivered through a secure Clinician Portal
- The report includes genetic alterations and corresponding recommended therapeutics, such as assessment of predicted response to treatments and available to currently enrolling clinical trials
- This report can be easily exported and added to most electronic health records (EHRs)
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