Inivata Ltd

Inivata Ltd


InVisionFirst®-Lung, a ctDNA NGS liquid biopsy testing 37 genes relevant to the care of patients with advanced NSCLC. Covered for Medicare and other private insurance NSCLC patients who meet specific clinical criteria in the United States. InVisionFirst-Lung® is available world-wide for both commercial and research use.


Largest prospective molecular diagnostics study in NSCLC published up to date in JCO Precision Oncology

98% concordance

observed with matched tissue profiling

InVisionFirst-Lung provided access to comprehensive genetic profiling (CGP) when tissue was not available

26% more actionable alterations

detected versus standard-of-care tissue testing

Sensitive & Specific

Our technology brings high sensitivity and specificity to drive appropriate treatment choice

InVision® Platform can detect single nucleotide variants (SNVs), small insertions and deletions (InDels), copy number variant (CNVs), and structural variants (SV) such as fusions from plasma cell free DNA (cfDNA) with a detection range as low as 0.1% variant allele fraction with a mean read depth of 70,000.

Click here for InVisionFirst®-Lung clinical validation results and clinical utility data.

Timely Results

  • Test results are delivered through a secure Clinician Portal
  • The report includes genetic alterations and corresponding recommended therapeutics, such as assessment of predicted response to treatments and available to currently enrolling clinical trials
  • This report can be easily exported and added to most electronic health records (EHRs)

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