EnColl - Model Periodontal Plus AB - Resorbable Collagen Fiber
PPAB is a collagen fibril based formulation containing tetracycline hydrochloride (2 mg of Tetracycline) in 25 mg of collagen fibrils. It has a dual mode of action, via the active agent, Tetracycline, and the vehicle, high purity, biocompatible Type-I collagen, which are used. This very unique feature of PPAB enables the active agent as well as the vehicle to be able to work positively towards the repair of the periodontal lesion.
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PPAB is one of the easiest local drug delivery agents that can be used in almost any kind of periodontal lesions. The material is dispensed in an easy to use bottle. The required amount can be placed in a dappen dish and then wet with a drop of distilled water. The required amount of material can then be picked up with a tweezer and placed near the pocket margins. Subsequently the material can be easily inserted into the pocket with the help of any composite handling instrument or even with a blunt-ended periodontal probe.
Sustained Release and Effectivity of PPAB:
Studies have shown that PPAB releases tetracycline consistently from day one over a period of 10 to 14 days with the concentrations peaking by 4th to 5th day.
As a synergistic effect, the collagen fibrils also biodegrade and release enzymes which promote the repair of the periodontal lesion.
Clinical Results:
PPAB has been tried out by periodontists and they have all reported excellent clinical success with fast clinical resolution. Inflammation is controlled excellently and clinical parameters like bleeding, exudation etc. reduce tremendously in two applications.
A lead Periodontist's opinion 'Minimally invasive, maximizing tissue health, PPAB has been found to increase patient acceptance for the second phase of deeply Invasive treatment, if and when necessary.'
Another Periodontist says, 'PPAB has become a must use in my clinical practice in a number of situations. I routinely use it as an adjunct to scaling and root planning in all cases exhibiting exudation. I also use PPAB as a pre-surgical aid to transiently control the inflammation, thereby allowing me to handle the tissues very easily during surgery.'
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