5 products found
EnColl Corporation Products
Dental Surgical Products
EnColl OsseoGraft - Model DMBM-XENOGRAF - Bone Void Filler
High purity Type-I collagen derived from bone is essential for tissue regeneration and remodeling in any osseous defect. Osseograft / DMBM (xenograft) is one such de-mineralized bone derived Type-I collagen for bone void filling ...
Encoll OsseoMold - Bone Void Filler
Over 100 years of research, experimentation and use has demonstrated that calcium sulphate enhances bone regeneration and is totally biocompatible and and resorbable. At the same token, high purity type-I collagen DMBM (xenograft) also is essential for tissue regeneration and remodeling. Osseomold consists of both materials admixed in proper proportions to give the best biological and mechanical features for bone ...
EnColl HealiGuide - Model GTR/GBR - Absorbable Collagen Membrane
Heoliguide is a thin sheet mode of high purity Type-I collagen derived from selected animal tissues and purified using a patented American technology- The additional charge modifications and slight calcification of collagen helps for proper guided bone (issue regeneration. Heoliguide is unique ond different from other native collagen membranes that are known to facilitate fibrogenesis ovec osteocondudion. Its complete resorbability eliminates ony need for ...
EnColl Hemocoll - Absorbable Sterile Fibrillar Collagen for Dental Surgery
After five to ten minutes, excess Hemocoll collagen fibres should be removed, either by teasing away or by irrigation with saline, followed by aspiration. If breakthrough bleeding occurs in areas of thin application, additional Hemocoll may be applied. The amount required will depend on the severity of ...
EnColl - Model Periodontal Plus AB - Resorbable Collagen Fiber
PPAB is a collagen fibril based formulation containing tetracycline hydrochloride (2 mg of Tetracycline) in 25 mg of collagen fibrils. It has a dual mode of action, via the active agent, Tetracycline, and the vehicle, high purity, biocompatible Type-I collagen, which are used. This very unique feature of PPAB enables the active agent as well as the vehicle to be able to work positively towards the repair of the periodontal ...