Biomedical Science Services In Ohio
Manufactured by Thermo Fisher Scientificbased in USA
In a time when getting answers quickly is critical, Thermo Fisher Scientific is leveraging its scale and resources to help the world move forward. With innovative solutions and a reliable supply chain already helping meet the unprecedented demand for trusted COVID-19 testing, we continue to expand our high-quality solutions and accelerate innovation with urgency, addressing current and future ...
Manufactured by Thermo Fisher Scientificbased in USA
Natural killer (NK) cells are innate lymphocytes that kill virally infected or malignant cells. Unlike T cells, NK cells function in an antigen independent manner, responding to anything they perceive as "non-self", including malignant cells. NK cells are an attractive allogeneic immune modulator, as they have a well-known safety profile and lack the potential to cause graft-vs-host disease, a ...
Manufactured by Thermo Fisher Scientificbased in USA
The Oncomine Clinical Research Grant Program supports investigator-initiated studies (IIS) and education projects, on molecular profiling in oncology, with the goal to increase high quality molecular profiling and to help democratize the future of precision medicine. Proposal reviews are conducted by independent and internationally recognized experts together with Thermo Fisher Scientific medical ...
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