Medical Specialties Services In USA

843 services found
  • Premium

    Ekotox Centers are providing customers support for the cosmetic products registration in EU - Cosmetic Products Safety Assessment, PIF support, CPNP registration and more . The Cosmetics Regulation provides a robust, internationally recognised regime, which reinforces product safety taking into consideration the latest technological developments, including the possible use of nanomaterials. ...

  • based in SWITZERLAND

    We are an innovative medicines company with research and development at our core. Our R&D engine powers an industry-leading pipeline focused on delivering transformative medicines to fight disease, restore possibility and help people live life on their own terms. Researchers in Biomedical Research work across several diseases areas to uncover insights into the origins and pathogenesis of ...

  • Premium

    In the European Union, cosmetics are regulated by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship, and SMEs. The regulation requires that all cosmetic products sold within the European Union must comply with the European Union Cosmetics Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009. The regulation applies to all cosmetics, including hair dyes, perfumes, skin ...

  • Premium

    ‘Cosmetic product’ means any substance or mixture intended to be placed in contact with the external parts of the human body (epidermis, hair system, nails, lips and external genital organs) or with the teeth and the mucous membranes of the oral cavity with a view exclusively or mainly to cleaning them, perfuming them, changing their appearance, protecting them, keeping them in good ...

  • Premium
    Manufactured by Aquaintech Inc. (AITI)
    based in USA

    For 39 years I have worked with aquaculturists helping them deal with and prevent disease outbreaks via holistic approaches and learn better ways to control some of the variables that affect them and increase their profitability. For the last 39 years I have focused largely on shrimp farming (although I have also worked with barramundi, tilapia, sea bass, and a few others) and have worked with ...

  • Premium

    Before placing a cosmetic product on the market, the responsible person must submit the following information electronically to the Commission: The category of the cosmetic product and its name or names enabling its specific identification; the name of the responsible person and the address where the product information folder is easily ...

  • Manufactured by United Biologics, Inc.
    based in USA

    Ensure Your Demonstration Tools Accentuate Your Company’s Standard of Excellence. Your clients deserve a comprehensive demonstration with life-like materials. United Biologics’ design philosophy is grounded in science and artistically composed. We are always providing new ways to equip our customers with innovative and effective communication ...

  • based in USA

    SynCardia Total Artificial Heart (TAH) patients are effectively heart transplant recipients with four mechanical valves. They have a near-normal CVP, normal physiology and the source of their heart failure has been eliminated through biventricular replacement. In addition, there are no inotropes or anti-rejection medications needed. TAH patients benefit from high cardiac output, typically 7 L/min ...

  • based in USA

    Many of the millions of patients suffering from nasal airway obstruction (NAO), are frustrated by their quality of life and would welcome a way to find proven, long-lasting relief from their ...

  • based in CANADA

    Phase I/IIa Combination Study of Bria-IMT™ with retifanlimab (INCMGA00012) and epacadostat in Advanced Breast Cancer. FDA has approved the combination study of Bria-IMT™ with Incyte Corporation’s drugs, retifanlimab and epacadostat. The combination study is listed in as NCT03328026. Patients With advanced breast cancer will be eligible for combination therapy ...

  • Indication: Breast Cancer. Improved detection and differentiation on routine breast ultrasound, enabling faster, more accurate, and cheaper detection and treatment of breast cancer. ISSUED ...

  • Advancements in cancer treatments are progressing with great speed. Clinical trials offer clinical researchers and care providers more options for their patients, but finding the right trials for their patient population and matching the right patients to trials is complex and time consuming. With AI-enhanced technology and expert support services, Inteliquet offers a comprehensive solution to ...

  • based in USA

    Mammograms are x-ray exams of the breast. They are most often used to screen for breast cancer in women who have no symptoms. Mammograms and other breast imaging tests can also be used in women who have breast symptoms, such as a lump or pain, or who have a suspicious change seen on a screening mammogram. Mammography is the only screening tool that has been demonstrated through large randomized ...

  • based in USA

    The healthcare delivery model within which providers, hospitals and physicians receive payments based on patient health outcomes is understood as value-based healthcare. But what is value-based care, and what does it mean? Under value-based care parameters also known as CMS pay for performance, providers are compensated for helping patients enhance their health, reduce the effects and occurrences ...

  • based in USA

    A Human-Led Member Experience That Wraps Psychosocial Coaching Around Medication Management. Jasper Health is an intelligent platform that works hand-in-hand with existing specialty pharmacy platforms. We provide a private label member experience for data-driven guidance and coaching around medication management and adherence. This includes a complete bolt-on member facing app and web experience ...

  • based in USA

    We believe that precisely targeting oxygen metabolic pathways has the potential to offer unique and powerful strategies for treating cancer and addressing treatment-related side effects such as oral ...

  • based in USA

    Harnessing the Anticancer Power of Hydrogen Peroxide: As cancer cells are more susceptible than normal cells to increased levels of hydrogen peroxide, we believe the conversion of radiation-generated superoxide to hydrogen peroxide by our selective dismutase mimetics can improve outcomes for patients who receive radiation ...

  • Manufactured by ProPep Surgical
    based in USA

    ProPep® Surgical is committed to providing support and information for patients and caregivers who are considering their options in treating prostate cancer. Be sure you have all the information you need to feel comfortable with your treatment decision. If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to an Endocare® Patient Referral ...

  • Manufactured by Creative Biolabs
    based in USA

    Tumor-derived cell lines have long been used to discover the biologic processes in oncology, as well as screening platforms for discovering and evaluating the efficacy of anti-tumor therapeutics. ...

  • Manufactured by Creative Biolabs
    based in USA

    BCG is a live attenuated vaccine of Mycobacterium bovis that was initially developed in the early 1900s as a vaccine against tuberculosis. It was later observed that patients with tuberculosis actually had lower rates of cancer and subsequently hypothesized that mycobacteria might possess either direct antitumor effects or tumor suppressor ...

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