Medical Diagnostics Equipment Supplied In Wyoming

8 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by GlycoBac, LLC
    based in USA

    pIE1HRX is a versatile, compact expression plasmid that is designed for transient or stable expression of the gene of interest in insect cell lines. pIE1HRX is a 3.9 kb vector derived with a compact multiple cloning site and an efficient minimal baculovirus p10 gene polyadenylation ...

  • Manufactured by Odulair, LLC
    based in USA

    Mobile Endoscopy Clinic: A Mobile Endoscopy Unit by Odulair is a U.S. healthcare code compliant mobile medical vehicle, with specialized areas for on-site diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic medical procedures where medical imaging via endoscope is used to visualize structures within the human body, including the digestive tract and genitourinary system. Odulair Mobile Endoscopy Units deliver ...

  • Manufactured by Odulair, LLC
    based in USA

    The Mobile Trauma Unit and Mobile Trauma Center are mobile medical vehicles designed and manufactured by Odulair to provide the highest level of trauma care for life threatening ...

  • Manufactured by Odulair, LLC
    based in USA

    Mobile Surgery Units by Odulair are advanced U.S. healthcare code compliant Mobile Ambulatory Surgery facilities. Essentially, an Odulair Mobile Surgery Unit is a hospital on wheels. Mobile Surgery Units are designed and manufactured to provide on-site mobile surgical ...

  • Manufactured by GlycoBac, LLC
    based in USA

    Sf-RVN is an Sf-rhabdovirus-free S. frugiperda cell line that can seamlessly replace the widely used, but persistently virally contaminated Sf9 or Sf21 cell lines for recombinant protein or rAAV production. ...

  • Manufactured by AdvaCare Pharma
    based in USA

    AdvaCare is a GMP manufacturer of Acetylsalicylic Acid capsules. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) capsules are part of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug family. They exhibit irreversible inhibition of the cyclooxygenase enzyme which in turn interrupts the formation of bodily thromboxane and platelet aggregation. Aspirin capsules are often used to treat symptoms of generalized aches and pain, ...

  • Manufactured by AdvaCare Pharma
    based in USA

    AdvaCare is a GMP manufacturer of Azithromycin capsules. Azithromycin capsules are a macrolide antibiotic. Azithromycin capsule contains azithromycin, an azalide and a subclass of macrolide antibiotics. It fights bacteria in the body and is used to treat many different types of bacterial infections including pneumonia, middle ear infections, strep throat, traveler’s diarrhea and other ...

  • Manufactured by Odulair, LLC
    based in USA

    Computed tomography (CT) is a proven technique for visualizing tumors and developing radiotherapy treatment methods. Owning an Odulair mobile CT unit will place you among the world’s top diagnostic programs, and give you advantages unique to our product. Odulair’s CT scanners eliminate superimposition of anatomical structures outside the area of interest and can differentiate ...

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