Medical Diagnostics Equipment Supplied In Czech Republic
Manufactured by GENERI BIOTECH s.r.o.based in CZECH REPUBLIC
Detection method: allelic discrimination, real-time PCR; This in vitro diagnostic kit is intended for detection of mutation 4G/5G in PAI1 gene promotor in human genomic DNA. Detection is based on real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) using fluorescently labelled probes (allelic discrimination). ...
Manufactured by DYNEX Czech Republicbased in CZECH REPUBLIC
Next generation of automated instrument used to process the immunoblot and westernblot assays. ...
Manufactured by TestLine Clinical Diagnostics s.r.obased in CZECH REPUBLIC
Enzyme immunoassay for the detection of IgA antibodies to Adenoviruses in human serum or plasma. SmartEIA kit is specifically designed for automated analysis using the Agility ...
Manufactured by Erba Mannheimbased in UNITED KINGDOM
Intensity of light scattered from semiconductor laser beam on the blood cells reflects cell size and intra cellular density. Low angle scatter shows cell size, while the middle and high angle display intracellular information (nucleus and cytoplasmic content). Pulse data thus captured plots 4 2D scattergrams. Independent WBC / Baso channel uses special hemolytic agent that extracts ...
Manufactured by Erba Mannheimbased in UNITED KINGDOM
Product Application: Complete blood count analyser for small laboratories or use as a second instrument ...
Manufactured by TestLine Clinical Diagnostics s.r.obased in CZECH REPUBLIC
Enzyme immunoassay for the detection of specific RA antibodies (anti-CCP2) of IgG class in human serum or plasma. Microtitre wells are coated with the citrulinated synthetic peptides of 2. generation as an antigen. If specific antibodies are present, they bind to the antigen, are labeled by the Conjugate in the following steps and are detected by color reaction with a single component substrate ...
Manufactured by TestLine Clinical Diagnostics s.r.obased in CZECH REPUBLIC
Enzyme immunoassay for the determination of IgG antibodies to dsDNA antigen in human serum or plasma. Microtitre wells are coated with highly purified native antigen dsDNA. If specific antibodies are present, they bind to the antigen, are labeled by the Conjugate in the following steps and are detected by color reaction with a single component substrate (TMB-Complete). The kit allows 96 tests, ...
Manufactured by TestLine Clinical Diagnostics s.r.obased in CZECH REPUBLIC
A native antigen is bound to the well surface of the microtiter plate. If specific antibodies are present, they bind to the antigen, are labeled by the Conjugate in the following steps and are detected by color reaction with a single component substrate (TMB-Complete). The kit allows 96 tests, including controls in a split microtiter plate with color-coded strips and breakable wells. ...
Manufactured by BioVendor – Laboratorni Medicina a.s.based in CZECH REPUBLIC
Lateral flow immunochromatographic assay that adopted dual color system. For the qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 antigen from nasopharyngeal swab specimen. The test contains colloid gold conjugate pad and a membrane strip pre-coated with antibodies specific to SARS-CoV-2 antigen on the test lines (T). A visible black band (antibody-antigen-antibody gold conjugate complex) appears on the test ...
Manufactured by BioVendor – Laboratorni Medicina a.s.based in CZECH REPUBLIC
Type: Two-Tailed RT/ PCR Primers. Applications: COVID-19. Shipping: Frozen. Upon receipt, store the product at the temperature recommended below. Storage/Expiration: Store the kit at -20°C. Under these conditions, assay components are stable till the expiry date is over. (See the expiry date indicated on the kit ...
Manufactured by VUP Medical, a.s.based in CZECH REPUBLIC
PP MESH standard is made of polypropylene monofilament. The mesh is characterized by higher porosity and is specially suitable for laparoscopic and open procedures. Universal mesh for abdominal wall reconstruction. PP MESH Standard is produced in sizes 6×11 cm, 10×15 cm, 15×15 cm, 20×15 cm, 30×15 cm, 30×30 cm and is supplied in unit packaging. ...
Manufactured by Grade Medical s.r.o.based in CZECH REPUBLIC
The sterile rinsing solution cleans external acute and chronic wounds, moistens chronic wounds, preserves and moisturizes bandages and wound dressings, loosens dry bandages and wound dressings. The antiseptic component octenidine is active against bacteria, encapsulated viruses, chlamydia, mycoplasmas and fungi. Effective concentration to achieve antiseptic effect within 1 min. is significantly ...
Manufactured by Erba Mannheimbased in UNITED KINGDOM
XL 180 is fully Automated, random access and discrete clinical chemistry analyzer with throughput of 180 tests per hour with minimal water consumption. XL 180 is equipped with an efficient quality control program including Levy Jennings charts, multi rules and twin plots, providing confidence to clinicians in ...
Manufactured by Novavaxbased in USA
Historically, we developed a vaccine candidate against MERS, a novel coronavirus first identified in 2012, as well as a vaccine candidate against SARS in 2005. In 2012, within weeks of obtaining the sequence of the circulating MERS strain, we successfully produced a vaccine candidate. Our MERS candidate was based on the major surface spike protein, which we had previously identified as the ...
Manufactured by Erba Mannheimbased in UNITED KINGDOM
XL 200 is a fully automated, random access and discrete clinical chemistry analyzer that enhances productivity and turnaround time. It has a constant throughput of 200 photometric tests per hour and 400 with ISE (Optional). XL 200 provides accurate and precise results reliably and has been designed for growing and mid-sized laboratories. XL 200 can comfortably handle the demands of an increased ...
Manufactured by GENERI BIOTECH s.r.o.based in CZECH REPUBLIC
This in vitro diagnostic kit is intended for detection of mutation G1691A (Leiden) in coagulation factor V in human genomic DNA. Detection is based on real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) using fluorescently labelled probes (allelic ...
Manufactured by GENERI BIOTECH s.r.o.based in CZECH REPUBLIC
Detection method: allelic discrimination, real-time PCR; This in vitro diagnostic kit is intended for detection of mutation G20210A in coagulation factor II in human genomic DNA. Detection is based on real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) using fluorescently labelled probes (allelic ...
Manufactured by DYNEX Czech Republicbased in CZECH REPUBLIC
The DYNAWASH - B washing apparatus has an eight channel comb with a span of 12,5 mm which accomodates standard sized blot ...
Manufactured by TestLine Clinical Diagnostics s.r.obased in CZECH REPUBLIC
Enzyme immunoassay for the detection of IgM antibodies to Adenoviruses in human serum or plasma. SmartEIA kit is specifically designed for automated analysis using the Agility instrument. A native antigen is bound to the well surface of the microtiter plate. If specific antibodies are present, they bind to the antigen, are labeled by the Conjugate in the following steps and are detected by color ...
Manufactured by TestLine Clinical Diagnostics s.r.obased in CZECH REPUBLIC
Enzyme immunoassay for the detection of specific RA antibodies (anti-CCP2) of IgA class in human serum or plasma. Microtitre wells are coated with the citrulinated synthetic peptides of 2. generation as an antigen. If specific antibodies are present, they bind to the antigen, are labeled by the Conjugate in the following steps and are detected by color reaction with a single component substrate ...
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