Dentistry Equipment Supplied In Czech Republic

10 equipment items found
  • Manufactured by LINET spol. s.r.o.
    based in CZECH REPUBLIC

    Pura was designed to adjust processes of patient-handling, in order to treat patients efficiently and cost effective without any compromises for the patient and ...

  • based in CZECH REPUBLIC

    With our OTF InStrip: technology we are able to work with a wide range of physiologically active substances, the delivery of which we can modify according to the nature of substance and requirements of the partner. The technology gives the advantage to produce products for both human and veterinary ...

  • Manufactured by Medin, a.s.
    based in CZECH REPUBLIC

    C-NAIL is intramedullary nail for minimal-invasive fixation of intraarticular calcaneal fractures. The principle is to stabilize fragments of the fractured calcaneus using the nail with up to seven interlocking screws which create angularly stable fixation. The maximum of stability is achieved by fixing the sustentacular fragment towards the nail with two interlocking screws guided by a very ...

  • Manufactured by Medin, a.s.
    based in CZECH REPUBLIC

    Diamand burs for more precise work and shorter time of preparation. Thanks to a special construction of the draining groove, fast removing of the material is ensured without the risk of warming ...

  • Manufactured by Medin, a.s.
    based in CZECH REPUBLIC

    The TURBO instruments have a spiral cooling canal that mainly enables more powerful grinding when large amount of tooth substance is ground away, better supply of cooling water to the working face of the dia-bur and more effective transportation of tooth substance from the ground place and thus the working part of the bur doesnt´t get fouled so much. TURBO diamond burs shorten the total ...

  • Manufactured by Medin, a.s.
    based in CZECH REPUBLIC

    Diamond burs are part of the rotary instruments of dentistry by MEDIN. More than 50 years of experience in their production ensures diamond burs of the highest quality. Validated process of multilayer galvanic coating in combination with diamond grains ensures long product life. Production of diamond burs is controlled under the standard of ISO 14001, which guarantee environmentally friendly ...

  • based in CZECH REPUBLIC

    Cebedix & Cebidix-h are an Oral Thin Films using our InStripTM technology with CBD (Canabidiol). InStrip technology allows you to use the full potential of the substances contained in Cebedix, in this case CBD. You will achieve the desired effect from a much smaller dose. And a smaller dose means a smaller toll on the organism. The first effects of Cebedix in the form of a thin, ...

  • Manufactured by Metrex Research, LLC.
    based in USA

    Convenient, ready-to-use surface disinfectant that is effective many harmful organisms. When used as directed, it will also effectively clean and disinfect non-critical and non-semicritical ...

  • Manufactured by Metrex Research, LLC.
    based in USA

    Durable, non-woven towelettes that offer quick, easy-to-use, time-saving convenience killing organisms in only 3 minutes. For use on hard non-porous surfaces of non-invasive medical ...

  • Manufactured by Medikors Inc.
    based in SOUTH KOREA

    It provides analysis results (BMD, BMC, FAT, LEAN, etc.) with high accuracy (measurement error less than 1%) in experiment animals using DXA technology which has been known to be the most accurate technology in the measurement of osteoporosis and body composition in the human body. With its technology recognized worldwide, InAlyzer is used in many national and public institutes and laboratories, ...

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