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Nasal Collection Suppliers & Manufacturers

5 companies found
  • Pro-Health Product Ltd
    based in Guangzhou, CHINA

    Pro-Health Product Ltd. was founded in 2007 and is a well-known product innovator and developer in Medical Products, Patient Education and Medical Training Products, Medical simulators as well as Pharmaceutical Promotional brand reminders. We have ...

    Pro-Health - Model PH15-008-W - Throat & Nasal Swab Collection Training Model for COVID-19

    Pro-Health - Model PH15-008-W - Throat & Nasal Swab Collection Training Model for COVID-19

    The must-have trainer is ideal for use in visual demonstration and training of a nasal & oropharyngeal swab sample collection not only for the test and diagnosis of COVID-19 but also for many respiratory viruses ...

  • Arlington Scientific, Inc.
    based in Springville, UTAH (USA)

    Arlington Scientific, Inc® (ASI) is a USA based industry leading global medical technology company that develops, manufactures, and sells in-vitro diagnostics, nonmammalian blocking buffers, diagnostic analyzers for syphilis screening, face shields, ...

  • Mediblink d.o.o.
    based in Trebnje, SLOVENIA

    Mediblink company is specialized in development and manufacture of high-quality medical devices. Our products include the most sophisticated technology for the best user experience. The Mediblink products are sold mainly in Pharmacies, Drug Shops ...

    Mediblink - Model M420 - Electronic Nasal Aspirator

    Mediblink - Model M420 - Electronic Nasal Aspirator

    The aspirator offers both a handy design and is safe and easy to use. Two different sizes of soft silicone nasal tips are enclosed, which enable safe product use. It offers a twelve chord melody music option, to create a pleasant ...

  • Gold Standard Diagnostics
    based in Davis, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    Gold Standard Diagnostics provides comprehensive diagnostic solutions that improve lab efficiency and minimize overall costs. Through an extensive product menu, automated instrument platforms, and outstanding customer service, we solve real ...

    GSD NovaGen - SARS-CoV-2 Ag Rapid Test Kit (Nasal Swab for Self Testing)

    GSD NovaGen - SARS-CoV-2 Ag Rapid Test Kit (Nasal Swab for Self Testing)

    The GSD NovaGen SARS-CoV-2 Ag Rapid Test (Nasal Swab) is a single-use test kit intended to detect the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, with self-collected nasal swab specimen from symptomatic ...

    based in Glen Allen, VIRGINIA (USA)

    GENETWORx is dedicated to improving the lives of all people, whether it’s through COVID-19 diagnostic or antibody testing, or pharmacogenomics. GENETWORx Laboratory is a health management service company that specializes in bringing the benefits of ...

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