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Ear Scope Suppliers & Manufacturers

2 companies found
  • PhotoniCare Inc.
    based in Champaign, ILLINOIS (USA)

    PhotoniCare, we’re dedicated to revolutionizing healthcare by providing physicians with better diagnostic tools. That’s why we developed the TOMi Scope. To improve clinical outcomes and serve unmet patient and provider needs by translating novel ...

    OtoScan - Ear Diagnostic Tools

    OtoScan - Ear Diagnostic Tools

    OtoScan helps to determine the presence or absence of fluid in the middle ear, characterize the type of fluid, visualize the fluid’s density, and can do all of this even in the presence of significant ...

  • Holland Healthcare Inc.
    based in Houston, TEXAS (USA)

    Create Inspired Diagnostic Solutions to enhance and transform medical devices into digital health AI tools. Introduce a simple and affordable Virtual Oral Healthcare System to anyone anywhere. We believe in turning complex into simple and building ...

    Holland - Illuminated Intra-Aural Telehealth System

    Holland - Illuminated Intra-Aural Telehealth System

    Ear Scope will be the second disposable attachment for the TelScope Telehealth System; TelScope Telehealth System will become a Complete ENT Solution with the launch of Ear Scope in ...


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