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Cervical Retractor System Suppliers & Manufacturers

3 companies found
  • CEATEC Medizintechnik GmbH
    based in Wurmlingen, GERMANY

    CEATEC Medizintechnik is a family company in the second generation and was founded in 1995. CEATEC offers a wide range of surgical products from different areas. CEATEC has been certified according to the DIN EN ISO norm and other standards right ...

    Ceatec - Model BB - Cervical Retractor System

    Ceatec - Model BB - Cervical Retractor System

    The BB Retractor is a cervical retractor system made of German Stainless Steel or Titanium. The Set is suitable for both Anterior and Posterior Cervical Surgery but ...

  • Globus Medical
    based in Audubon, PENNSYLVANIA (USA)

    Globus Medical is a leading medical device manufacturer with the goal of improving the quality of life for patients with musculoskeletal disorders. We are inspired by the needs of these patients and by the surgeons and healthcare providers who treat ...

    Mars - Model ACDF - Cervical Retractor System

    Mars - Model ACDF - Cervical Retractor System

    MARS ACDF Cervical Retractor has a small, sleek stainless steel body with side-loading radiolucent titanium blades. A wide range of blade offerings are available to adapt to patient anatomy for intraoperative ...

  • LMT Surgical
    based in Milton QLD, AUSTRALIA

    With more than 20 years’ experience, LMT Surgical has been providing products and services to the Orthopaedic, Spine, Neuro, Robotics, Plastics, Biologics and Sports Medicine communities of Australia and New Zealand. We are proud to offer a product ...

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