Clinical Medicine Equipment & Supplies In Paraguay
PremiumManufactured by Environics, Inc.based in USA
The Environics Series Reduced Oxygen Breathing Device 3 is the newest in our line of systems that simulate altitude exposure and can be utilized for both research and hypoxia training. It is customizable for expanded research ...
PremiumManufactured by B Medical Systemsbased in LUXEMBOURG
Solar Direct Drive Vaccine Refrigerator with 46.6 L | 1.65 cu ft gross ...
PremiumManufactured by B Medical Systemsbased in LUXEMBOURG
Vaccine Transport Box with 1.73 L | 0.06 cu ft gross ...
PremiumManufactured by B Medical Systemsbased in LUXEMBOURG
Vaccine Transport Box with 20 L | 0.71 cu ft gross ...
PremiumManufactured by B Medical Systemsbased in LUXEMBOURG
Laboratory Refrigerator with 390 L | 13.77 cu ft storage ...
PremiumManufactured by by Medit Inc.based in CANADA
CrystalEye video otoscopes can be constructed using any of our rigid optical otoscopes including 4mm diameter. All of these scopes feature glass rod lenses, and a complimentary LED light handle for illumination. The ¼" video camera chip, provides a clear, colorful, image of the examine area, which can be displayed on a TV or computer monitor. A video output jack transfers the image to a ...
PremiumManufactured by by Medit Inc.based in CANADA
Medit’s Multi-Purpose Vet-set, features an Oto-endosocpe which has been specially designed by veterinary professionals for universal diagnostics and routine procedures in both large and small animals. These multi-purpose endoscopes feature a 2.7mm diameter with a 108mm working length, and a 0 degree, straightforward view of the inspection area. In addition to this rigid endoscope we have ...
PremiumManufactured by B Medical Systemsbased in LUXEMBOURG
Ultra-Low Freezer with 454 L | 16.03 cu ft storage ...
PremiumManufactured by B Medical Systemsbased in LUXEMBOURG
Laboratory Freezer with 387 L | 13.67 cu ft storage ...
PremiumManufactured by B Medical Systemsbased in LUXEMBOURG
Solar Direct Drive Icepack Freezer with 64 L | 2.26 cu ft gross ...
PremiumManufactured by B Medical Systemsbased in LUXEMBOURG
Hardware module monitoring all operating conditions and passing them through to a central database – via local ...
PremiumManufactured by B Medical Systemsbased in LUXEMBOURG
Plasma Storage Freezer with 768 L | 27.12 cu ft storage ...
PremiumManufactured by B Medical Systemsbased in LUXEMBOURG
Multimode: Vaccine Refrigerator or Vaccine/Ice-pack Freezer with 204 L | 7.2 cu ft gross ...
PremiumManufactured by B Medical Systemsbased in LUXEMBOURG
Plasma Contact Shock Freezer: Set Temperature: - 50°C. Climate class (ambient temperature range): +10°C to +32°C. External dimensions (HxWxD): 1910 x 1500 x 830 mm | 75.20 x 59.06 x 32.68 in. Refrigerant Type: R449a. ...
PremiumDistributed by Interstate Products Inc. / Interstate Productsbased in USA
Slip-Gard Floor Sign: Thank You For Practicing Social Distancing Please Keep At Least 6FT Apart. Motivate employees & visitors to practice social distancing to prevent spreading ...
PremiumManufactured by B Medical Systemsbased in LUXEMBOURG
Vaccine Transport Box with 24 L | 0.85 cu ft gross ...
PremiumManufactured by B Medical Systemsbased in LUXEMBOURG
Blood Bank Refrigerator with 269 L | 9.5 cu ft storage ...
PremiumManufactured by TRIC Tools, Inc.based in USA
The 1-1/8” Monolithic Gripper Assembly is used to hold the 1-1/8” compact swaged cable during the extension and retraction strokes of the M100 ram (TTP-HFHD-100). The grooves of the Grippers engage the cable, and the Chain Yoke assembly keeps the Grippers (TT-GRPR-118M) side by side as they move up or down in the gripper pocket. A Long Shoulder Screw (TT-FSNR-BA1000H) is screwed into ...
PremiumDistributed by Interstate Products Inc. / Interstate Productsbased in USA
Hand Sanitizer Wipes rely on a powerful formula to eliminate several disease causing germs and bacteria from skin including: Pseudomonas Cepacia, Staphylococcus Aureus, Salmonella Choleraesuis and Escherichia Coli. Within seconds, this effective sanitizing formula kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria on skin. Sanitizes & Conditions Skin. Fresh Wintergreen ...
PremiumManufactured by B Medical Systemsbased in LUXEMBOURG
Solar Direct Drive Vaccine Refrigerator with 249 L gross ...
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