How to Insert the MicroCannula-Dermal Fillers-Dr Rajani - Video
The Dermasculpt Microcannula injection technique is demonstrated and explained. Creating the opening and inserting the cannula remain a significant obstacle for beginning providers especially after a facelift or collagen stimulating injections. Viewers from this channel have asked for tips on using the ever popular microcannula. Preventing vascular occlusion, bruising and increased comfort are all desired outcomes for dermal filler injectors. The Cannula allows for less needle openings and will become more and more the standard of aesthetic injection techniques for products like Juvederm and Restylane. Lip fillers are a very common request from clients as is the under eye demonstrated here. PRF and Plasmasculpt are also both demonstrated. Prf is using one's own blood products to stimulate youth using one's own growth factors. Prf can improve existing youthful fat, reduce appearance of dark circles and stimulate healthy skin. Prf uses a unique fibrin clot technology. One can learn this technique at The Aesthetic Training Center and at Patients who request a natural and gradual result are great candidates for this procedure. Dr Rajani is a trainer for Galderma, Allergan, Suneva, Dermasculpt Microcannula, PRF and a sought after speaker and educator. He is the founder of Plasmasculpt and plasmalip. For more information follow him at, or on facebook and instagram for weekly helpful tips to keep your skin beautiful, young, and healthy
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