ROKIT Healthcare

ROKIT Healthcare

Dr. INVIVO: Bioprint Biopolymers - Video

1. Fliament Extruding Type ( ~ 280˚C ) : PCL / PLGA / PLA / PLLA / PET / TPEE ...

2. Dispensing system (- 4˚C ~ 80˚C) : Chitosan / Collagen / Gelatin / Fibrin / PEG / Hyaluronic Acid ...

3. Hot Melting & pneumatic system (~ 350˚C) : PCL / PLA / PVA / PEG ...(Powder or Pallet material) // Ceramic(Cellulose, Hydroxyapatite, β-TCP...) with Binder(PLA, PCL...)

The 3D Bioprinter INVIVO bioprint any type of biomaterials and dual print hard polymer and soft polymer with pneumatic hot-melting extruder(can heat up to 350°C).

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