Acutus Medical, Inc.

Acutus Medical, Inc.

AcQCross Integrated Transseptal Dilator/Needle - Video

Copyright © 2021 Acutus Medical, Inc. All rights reserved.

Introducing the AcQCross line of transseptal products from Acutus Medical.
The innovative AcQCross device integrates the dilator and transseptal needle, enabling physicians to exchange less and reposition with ease.

By integrating the spring tensioned needle and guidewire into the dilator, AcQCross can improve outcomes by enhancing procedural safety and efficiency.

AcQCross' novel design allows physicians to lead with the retained guidewire and reduce exchanges without losing wire position.
And the exchangeless design enables the operator to more safely and efficiently reposition to the optimal crossing location.

The proprietary AcQCross integrated transseptal dilator/needle is compatible with industry-leading introducers, allowing physicians to employ the benefits of the AcQCross device while utilizing their sheath of choice.

AcQCross is the first and only transseptal access system FDA cleared and CE Marked for both mechanical and RF energy application.

The AcQCross integrated transseptal dilator/needle: exchange less — reposition with ease.

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