

- Version e-Stroke - Most Comprehensive Stroke Imaging Solution


e-Stroke is a CE-marked collection of tools that use our state-of-the-art AI algorithms to support doctors by providing real-time interpretation of brain scans to help guide treatment and transfer decisions for stroke patients, allowing more patients to get the right treatment, in the right place, at the right time. Our proprietary software can uniquely generate critical information from simple brain scans that can help expand patient access to life-saving stroke treatments by advancing the value of simple imaging.

Faster Treatment , Greater Functional Independence

Our AI-powered advanced technology has been studied in more than 50 publications, providing technical validation and health economic benefit, while also enabling improved stroke treatment rates.

A study presented at the 13th World Stroke Congress found that the implementation of e-Stroke reduced door-in-door-out (DIDO) times by >1 hour, and tripled the number of stroke patients achieving functional independence.

Transforming Your Stroke Network

Solutions across the full stroke pathway

e-ASPECTS can detect and measure both Large Vessel Occlusion (LVO) and hyperdense volumes (which may indicate bleeding), automatically assess ASPECTS score and infarct volume in non-contrast CT images, with overlaid heatmaps for visual aid.

e-CTA standardizes the assessment of collaterals, with automatic LVO detection in CTA scans, and allows graphical visualization of CTA acquisition timing.

e-CTP automatically estimates core and penumbra volumes, in addition to mismatch ratio and HIR from CT Perfusion images, generating high-quality visual outputs for faster, objective and more confident interpretation.

Trials Tracker automatically assesses patient inclusion/exclusion against landmark trial criteria, while also allowing for customization to support on-going prospective trials.

Revolutionizing Stroke Care

Our e-Stroke technology is revolutionizing the way hospitals and networks are managing their stroke service, enabling fast, effective and accurate analysis of images that expedite treatment decisions.

Hear from Dr Paul Bhogal (Consultant Interventional Neuroradiologist, Barts Health NHS Trust, Royal London Hospital, UK) about his experience with e-Stroke.

e-Stroke Mobile App

Connecting Networks to Facilitate Faster Treatment

The e-Stroke Mobile app, supported by the e-Stroke Cloud, allows physicians to quickly and securely access, review and share images and patient data across a network, send messages, make calls directly from the app, and flag patients eligible for thrombectomy - all designed to optimize workflow, facilitating faster transfer and treatment decisions.

Advanced CTA multi-planar reconstructions (MPRs) with coronal, sagittal and axial viewing functionality can support interventional planning. 

e-Stroke Mobile is available through the App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android. e-Stroke Cloud can also be accessed through all popular desktop and mobile web browsers.

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