Enhatch Inc.

Enhatch Inc.

3D Printing Optimization



By 3D printing for surgical instruments, tools used in surgery are unique to the patient. 3D-printed instruments means astronomical cost savings and more accurate surgeries. Enhatch software assists with 3D printing optimization, helping reps and surgeons perform faster, safer, and smarter surgeries.


Printing Patient-Specific Instruments
These are unique to the patient in which AI-powered software calculates the fit and correction required for optimal implant position in surgery. This reduces the need for elaborate instrument systems.

Increasing Confidence
Surgery accuracy increases when using patient-specific instruments, making the surgical team confident pre-op.

On Demand Instruments
Patient-specific instruments will significantly reduce inventory carrying cost. This will also help reduce inventory needed for surgery.

Why 3D Printed Implants & Instruments

Patient-matched implants and instruments assist surgeons in improving accuracy and efficiency in surgery. 

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