WEG - Clinical Support Services
Up to 70% of surgical patients develop hypothermia perioperatively. Inadvertent hypothermia can be caused by cold operating rooms, effects from anesthesia , exposure to the environment and administration of cold intravenous or irrigation fluids. The adverse effects of unplanned hypothermia include increased blood loss, morbid cardiac events, impaired wound healing and increased mortality (1).
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Hypothermia is defined as a core body temperature below 36°C. If not deliberately induced, it is said to be inadvertent because it develops accidentally during a period when normal protective reflexes, such as shivering, are absent (4-5).
Inadvertent hypothermia is preventable, and by increasing nurses’ knowledge and awareness, its incidence may be reduced (6). Preventing unplanned hypothermia increases patient comfort and prevents associated complications. It can be achieved by simple preventative measures. (2) It is therefore essential that nurses, whether on surgical wards or operating room staff, have knowledge of the contributing factors, complications and methods of preventing inadvertent hypothermia. This combined with vigilant patient care will help to prevent or dramatically reduce the incidences of this condition (7).
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