B-Cure Laser

B-Cure Laser

Upper Back Pain Treatment



The thoracic spine is also referred to as the upper or middle back.   It is designed for stability to anchor the rib cage and protect vital internal organs within the chest. Pain in the upper back is usually a result of poor posture, overuse of muscles, or injury. The upper back is the area between the base of the neck and the bottom of the ribcage. There are 12 bones that make the upper back, which doctors call the thoracic spine. The first bone of the upper back begins at the base of the neck and the 12th bone ends just below the ribcage. Upper back pain can appear anywhere between these bones.

Services Overview

Most people describe pain in this area as a burning or pulling sensation in a particular place, which may be the location of injury or strain.

B-Cure Laser is a powerful yet safe and simple to use the device for reducing upper back pain in the comfort of your own home.

Common Causes of Upper Back Pain   

  • Muscle reconditioning and poor posture
  • Muscle overuse
  • Traumatic injury – joint dysfunction
  • Herniated disc
  • Pinched nerve
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Myofascial pain
  • Spinal infection
  • Lung cancer


Symptoms of upper back pain are different for every person. Some of those who suffer will feel a subtle pain that will pass after a few days, but for others it may worsen and impair daily routines.

Sharp pain – in many cases sufferers will feel a sharp pain, like a knife prick or a burning sensation in the area of the upper back. Usually this sharp pain affects one spot and does not spread to the surrounding area.

Stiffness – in cases where the sharp pain or regular pain is not treated and continue to increase, this may lead to impairment in mobility of the upper back muscles or the joints.

Projection of pain – upper back pain that comes from nerve injury or inflammation may spread and project to the arm, chest or stomach. The projected pain is usually felt on one side of the body and those who suffer from this kind of projection are likely to feel a sensation of tingling, weakness or numbness in that area.

If the back pain becomes severe, it may affect the sufferer’s ability to perform normal activities such as lifting medium to heavyweight objects, throwing a ball or even just sitting comfortably.

If back pain develops without injury or trauma, most people are able to treat the pain on their own in the following ways:

Rest and altering movement – in the event that the pain worsens when performing certain acts or movements, it is recommended to refrain from performing these painful movements and rest. After resting and easing the pain, it is recommended to go back to performing the act – carefully. Be advised – resting too long could cause weakening of the muscles, which could lead to additional pain.

OTC (non-prescription) creams and medications – there is a wide range of OTC creams and medications for pain relief available. However, it is important to check the side effects of some of these drugs and it is important to remember that most non-prescription medications treat the pain and not the source of the problem.

Massage – many find that massage can provide relief from back pain. Even if the results are temporary, a good massage can help release tight muscles and deliver better blood flow to the area that hurts.

Medical Treatment of Back Pain

In the event that the back pain continues following rest, many people turn to a range of medical treatments to alleviate the pain and try to solve the problem they are suffering from. The treatments offered include:

  • Physical therapy
  • Prescription drugs
  • Injections
  • Electro-therapy
  • Surgery
  • Home treatment with B-Cure

B-Cure Laser provides breakthrough laser therapy, offering the power of some professional lasers as used in clinics, in a lightweight portable device that may be used from the comfort of home.

The treatment is safe, effective and may provide lasting pain relief.

B-Cure Laser’s restorative power is provided by advanced laser technology.

B-Cure Laser should be placed in contact with the skin allowing the photon energy to penetrate the tissues. This stimulates the body to produce adenosine triphosphate otherwise known as ATP, which carries energy within the cells. The ATP interacts with various biomolecules inside the cells promoting normal cell function and enhancing the body’s natural processes.

Patients recover from muscular, skeletal, and nerve injuries as cells regenerate faster and function better.

Research has proved that using the B-Cure Laser for painful knee conditions provides cells with more energy to perform their functions.

Therapeutic effects of LLLT (laser phototherapy) include:

  • Increased production of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)
  • Increased cellular metabolism
  • Increased collagen production
  • Increased enzyme production
  • Increased protein synthesis
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Improved lymphatic flow and drainage
  • Reduced inflammation

All this serves to boost the body’s natural healing power, targeting the root causes of pain and providing rapid relief.

B-Cure Laser is unique due to it’s beam that covers a surface of 4.5 cm, making it possible to treat a wide range of painful conditions easily, effectively and quickly.

B-Cure Laser is now available for home use and has been proven clinically effective and safe. The treatment has no known side effects and is a non-invasive method for treating many types of orthopedic conditions.

B-Cure Laser is safe for all ages, and does not require protective eyewear during use.

What are the benefits of B-Cure Laser?

  • May reduce chronic pain
  • Non-invasive and non-surgical treatment
  • Suitable for all ages
  • No known side effects
  • Clinically proven by many studies
  • Easy and safe for home use
  • For treatment of upper back pain, treat all painful vertebrae along the spine.
  • Additionally, treat the right and left scapula. Treat each point for 8 minutes.
  • Experience shows that pain relief may be expected within days.
  • For ease of use, an adjustable stand is available to stabilize the device and provide treatment without movement, allowing the laser beam to penetrate deeply into the tissues.
  • For optimal results, repeat the treatment at least twice a day.

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