Shared Care Primary Maternity Services
Vastly improves patient maternity care by leading Providers through an appropriate care-plan based on approved maternity guidelines, enabling care to be easily shared between Provider, Lead Maternity Carer and DHB.
Most popular related searches
- Improves the delivery of shared care maternity services
- Enables Providers to ensure that all applicable tests and checks have been completed
- Improves compliance with guidelines
- Provides immediate real-time status information on registrations, with reporting on key data
- Gives the Provider and the DHB immediate visibility on funded services provided
- Provides flexibility as to the type of care available to the patient
- Integrated with Medtech or MyPractice Patient Management Systems
- Created with credible clinical partners, Counties Manukau District Health Board?
Dynamic and interactive, links Providers to DHB; clear visibility on the status of registrations; improved care for the patient
Benefits of SCPMS
To the DHB
- Immediately see when a patient has been registered, enabling them to be ‘booked in’ to the applicable hospital
- Allows the care provided to be shared between the Provider and the Lead Maternity Carer, with all data contributing to one registration
- View real time registration status information
- View funding on a Practice and/or Provider basis
- Run real time status reports / key performance indicator reports
To the Provider
- Register a patient and the patient is immediately ‘booked in ’ with the DHB
- Receive prompts when completing the patient registration to ensure that all important information is entered
- Complete on-going assessments at the appropriate stage in the pregnancy
- Follow the care plan which shows the maternity checks that need to be carried out and when
- Reduced data entry due to pre-population of key data fields from the PMS
- See the progress of the patient through the summary of assessment information
- Print a summary of all assessments and provide it to the patient
- Receive funding based on the assessments provided
- Provide the patient with material from specifically targeted web links
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