Ingenious Med

Ingenious Med

Revenue Optimization Services

Want to ensure a better bottom line? Quickly and accurately capture all patient and charge data in the workflow and at the point of care – while avoiding penalties and meeting incentive targets to maximize value-based reimbursement.

Services Overview

Comprehensive charge capture
Don’t lose revenue on the excellent care you provide. Make sure your clinicians capture all the charges they should – without impacting patient care.
  • Track all patient care episodes via real-time census and appointment data feeds.
  • Capture charges easily and accurately across any acute, SNF or other post-acute location.
  • Lighten clinician workloads with automatic prompts and intelligent code filters.
Improved coding compliance
Cut through the complexity of medical coding. Our tools make your coders more efficient and reduce denials that delay or diminish your revenue stream.
  • Improve coding speed, accuracy and compliance with MasterCoder – a step-by-step tool that reduces coder workload.
  • Avoid denials that cost your organization time and money.
  • Reduce reimbursement turnaround times so you can plan more accurately.
Value-based metrics management
Make it simpler for your physicians to proactively manage care and improve performance in value-based programs.
  • Simplify MIPS submissions to gain additional incentives and avoid penalties.
  • Automatically identify members of value-based programs such as BPCI, ACOs, case rate and more.
  • Save costs and manage patient throughput using our length-of-stay indicator and customizable flags to avoid discharge delays, manage care transitions and reduce readmissions.
Stronger revenue integrity
Quickly uncover and address gaps in your revenue stream with our automated charge tracking and analyses.
  • Automatically confirm substantiating EHR documentation with Charge Note Reconciliation.
  • Alert providers to possible missed bills through in-platform chat, visual indicators and push notifications.
  • Automatically identify and prevent missing charges based on clinical documentation feeds.
  • Assign missed encounters to the providers responsible with one click.
Charge Note Reconciliation
You must have documentation to substantiate physician charges and avoid disrupting your revenue cycle. Without it, you run the risk of audits, denied claims and other penalties. Our Charge Note Reconciliation feature integrates with your EHR, automatically confirming this documentation so you can reduce compliance risks and build a stronger bottom line.
  • Visual notifications for administrators and providers in multiple places if they create a bill without corresponding notes.
  • Automatic identification and assignment of missing bills to providers when they create notes without corresponding charges.

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