Perioperative Efficiency Services
Reduce variation in clinical processes and operational costs by streamlining movement of the Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices Companies (JJMDC) devices through the surgical services and sterile processing departments.
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Decrease Complexity. Improve Quality.
- The average cost per minute of operating room time in U.S. hospital is $621
- Operating room costs can account for?up to 35%?of total hospital costs2
- Perioperative inefficiency is linked with increased costs, decreased patient satisfaction and, most importantly, increased patient morbidity, with rates reported as high as 42.4%1
As health systems continue to look for ways to reduce costs without compromising patient care, the Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices Companies (JJMDC) can support these goals by bringing expertise from across the broad JJMDC portfolio.
- Tailored approaches to help reduce variation in planning and preparing for surgical procedures
- Proprietary tools and clinical specialists to streamline utilization of JJMDC devices
- Programs to manage JJMDC devices in the operating room and sterile processing department
- Standardize surgical scheduling, optimizing the processes to procure and use JJMDC products in the operative environment
- Lower carrying cost and physical footprint of inventory through product standardization
- Improve labor productivity by reducing the number of products and instrument trays that need to be tracked, cleaned, or managed
Needs Identification
- Your perioperative team shares efficiency goals and priorities, providing a starting point on potential areas of opportunities
- Together, your team and JJMDC review data, align on mutual areas of focus, and define clear goals and responsibilities related to the JJMDC portfolio
- JJMDC professionals with expertise in perioperative processes perform an on-site assessment to obtain additional insights to help align JJMDC’s capabilities with your specific needs
- Based on assessment findings, JJMDC provides tailored recommendations to address your needs
- Your team and JJMDC agree on an implementation plan to address top needs, and establish metrics to track progress
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