Ortho Clinical Diagnostics

Ortho Clinical Diagnostics

Ortho Care® Intel Services

Tap Into The Mind Of Your Lab With Insights That Enable Your Decisions To Be Made With Greater Ease And Confidence – Informed By Data Solutions That Encompass And Address All Aspects Of Your Lab. 


Embrace The Freedom To Focus

With Intel, data is simplified to unburden you from the disruptions, complexities and distractions that pull your focus away from patient care.

The mind of your lab

Look to Intel for insight and analysis clearly delivered in a single workspace. So, even while your lab performs thousands of complex tasks per day (and produces terabytes of data), your mind will be free to think better and bigger about how to enable the delivery of the very best patient care.

Streamline And Optimize Your Day-To-Day Processes

Manage risk and increase productivity through auto-verification.
Quality management
Enforce custom quality rules and set real-time alerts.
Network insights
View trends and collaborate across a network of labs all from one location.
Open connectivity
Reliably connect to lab applications, systems, instruments and equipment.
Automated workflow
Standardize and automate rule-based decision-making such as reflex testing, auto-verification and storage.
Moving averages
Ensure confidence by establishing quality control protocols with real-time moving averages.

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