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Surgery Services

184 services found
  • Manufactured by Microsure B.V.
    based in NETHERLANDS

    Finger replantation and other reconstructions after complex injuries. Microsure robot for hand surgery: MUSA can be used for delicate hand surgeries, for instance finger replantations as well as other reconstructions after complex injuries, involving blood vessels, nerve tracts and other soft tissue ...

  • Manufactured by Microsure B.V.
    based in NETHERLANDS

    Women with breast cancer are often treated with (partial) breast and axillary tissue resection and radiotherapy. As survival from cancer continues to improve, greater importance is placed on quality of life after surgery. In about 20% of the women treated for breast cancer, the flow of lymph fluid from the upper extremity to the central venous system is hampered, causing pain and ...

  • based in CANADA

    Surgical skills are needed for all our implanted telemetry and for some in vitro isolated organs ...

  • Manufactured by Septodont Holding
    based in FRANCE

    Septodont, as a global player in dentistry, ambitions to offer dentist practitioners a wide range of solutions in surgery focusing on the preservation of the alveolar socket & general dentistry practice. We aim at improving clinical outcomes of dental extraction to best serve clinicians and ...

  • Manufactured by Microsure B.V.
    based in NETHERLANDS

    Upper or lower extremity reconstruction using free flaps. Microsure robot for free flap: Upper or lower extremity reconstruction using free flaps for various indications is common practice nowadays. MUSA provides the stability and precision to assist you while performing at your highest level, and improves accessibility to those difficult ...

  • based in USA

    The body’s constant struggle to keep the joint stable can cause problems when there’s an injury or degenerative disease. Most patients considering surgery for a shoulder injury, degenerative condition, or osteoarthritis are looking for pain relief. However, research shows that shoulder surgery isn’t all that effective for many patients.1 While ...

  • Manufactured by Rob Surgical
    based in SPAIN

    Bitrack System offers multiple advantages to the patient, which are transmitted in confidence and security. It is a high precision and very safe surgical robot, it has an intelligent system that optimizes each action of the intervention to develop it in the best ...

  • based in USA

    Each year millions of people in the U.S. experience tendon injury - and over 300,000 undergo surgery for tendon repair. This involves operating room time, anesthesia and open or arthroscopic surgery, with associated expense, recovery time and risk of complications. Our technique can repair partially torn tendons back to bone through a needle inserted through the ...

  • based in INDIA

    Keep the puncture site dry for 24–48 hours. Watch the site for any signs of infection such as redness, swelling, or inflammation at the puncture ...

  • based in GEORGIA

    Hip or knee surgery may be required when there is pain or injury to the joint. While non-surgical treatment methods are initially prescribed, hip or knee surgery often becomes the necessary treatment for these conditions. ...

  • based in USA

    Each year, millions of patients receive the healthcare they need in an ACS setting. The ADC catalog features products that support professionals at multiple points in the outpatient experience, with both reusable and single-patient-use models available. All are well made for the real work of the modern ACS facility, and all are backed by our award-winning customer service and the most ...

  • based in INDIA

    According to international guidelines, any patient suffering from liver cirrhosis who is assessed to have a life expectancy of less than a year should be considered for a transplant. Severity of liver disease is graded from A to C. Usually all Grade C and most grade B patients are candidates for transplant. ...

  • based in USA

    The Eximis Surgical Lap Specimen Removal Platform will fill this critical gap in minimally invasive ...

  • based in INDIA

    If these blood vessels become blocked with plaque, inadequate oxygen reaches the heart muscle and it begins to die. Coronary artery bypass surgery is a treatment option, especially in patients with more than one ...

  • Manufactured by Exparel
    based in USA

    Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) protocols are multidisciplinary perioperative care pathways. ERAS and multimodal protocols with EXPAREL improve postsurgical ...

  • Manufactured by CASCINATION AG
    based in SWITZERLAND

    HEARO is the world’s first robotic surgical system for high precision, minimally invasive cochlear ...

  • based in USA

    When is traditional “open” surgery the best option for SI joint pain relief? What's the difference between open SI joint surgery and minimally invasive surgery ...

  • Manufactured by Dalent Medical
    based in USA

    Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is the preferred surgical treatment option for chronic sinusitis patients. FESS is traditionally performed in a hospital operating room and involves the removal of the inflamed sinus tissue, as well as the underlying bone to open the nasal pathway and enlarge the sinus ostia. ...

  • based in USA

    Without digital surgery, surgeons have to rely on their own judgment and experience when they plan a procedure, which can lead to complications during surgery. ...

  • Manufactured by Cadence Inc.
    based in USA

    Cadence supplies critical components and consumables, as well as high precision sub-assemblies for robotic surgery. Our dedication to product design and development for robot-assisted surgery, in addition to our technical expertise, allows Cadence to lead the way in manufacturing complex parts needed for minimally invasive surgeries. We work with ...

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