Skin Surface Services Available In Africa
based in USA
When it comes to jaundice treatment, there's been a stagnant effort in improving the experience of babies, moms, and healthcare providers. While current techniques (BilliLight and BilliBlanket) effectively deliver jaundice treatment, they miss the mark when it comes to promoting mother-baby bonding and improving healthcare efficiency. ...
by The Skin Labbased in AUSTRALIA
An innovative procedure with a double tightening and regenerating effect, Thread Lifts aim to lift and tighten the skin of the face & neck. It is particularly beneficial for the improvement of sagging tissue in the cheeks, around the mouth, and throughout the jaw region. The treatment also effectively stimulates collagen production in the skin to give a ...
by The Skin Labbased in AUSTRALIA
As we age, our face loses the volume it once had which can leave us looking less defined, tired and sunken. This is caused by our body’s reduction in collagen and elastin production which over the years, continues to ...
Manufactured by Tens Unitsbased in USA
TENS therapy units are predominately used for nerve related pain conditions (acute and chronic conditions).?TENS machines?work by sending stimulating pulses across the surface of the skin and along the nerve strands. The stimulating pulses help prevent pain signals from reaching the brain. TENS devices also help stimulate your body to produce higher levels of its ...
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