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Oncology Therapy Services

3 services found
  • Manufactured by BiomX
    based in ISRAEL

    Our colorectal cancer program utilizes engineered phage with various payloads (such as immunostimulatory payloads) that are administered intravenously to target Fusobacterium nucleatum bacteria residing within the tumor microenvironment. The aim of payload delivery is to convert cold tumors to hot tumors with activated immune responses. ...

  • based in USA

    Small molecules predominantly modulate the activity of their protein targets. The majority of approved small molecule inhibitors target intracellular kinases, which regulate cell signaling by transferring phosphate groups to target proteins. Contemporary research extensively focuses on targets implicated in protein-protein interactions, cancer metabolism, and immune ...

  • ENEA carries out research and innovation activities and provides advanced services on ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. ENEA also develops products, processes and methodologies aimed at understanding the harmful effects and mechanisms of action of noxious chemical and physical agents. This scientific and technical knowledge allows coping with radioprotection and health technologies problems, ...

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