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Medical Recording Services

31 services found
  • based in USA

    Medical records are one of the most sought after sources of information for identity thieves. Not only is it important to make sure that your firm or office is shredding medical records but it is also the law. HIPAA is very strict with the proper disposal of personal health information (PHI). ...

  • Improper disposal of medical records-A restoration firm entered a medical facility after a significant water event. While collecting all wet documents, the employee of the firm took wet medical records and simply disposed of them in the trash. This became a claim because for the failure to properly destroy ...

  • Immediate access to over 35,000,000 unique accessions. Aggregation of surgical records from over 200 referring institutions. Direct access to patient Electronic Medical Records (EMRs). Over 350 data points per patient record. 10-15 years of history and outcome. All therapeutic areas. ...

  • based in USA

    Federal regulations and corporate policies related to personal information and medical records make privacy and security two incredibly important elements in the document recovery process. Reprocessing sensitive materials in light of these challenges is something Polygon takes very seriously. Our Document Recovery Center’s external and internal security ...

  • based in USA

    Transcribing Medical Reports that are Dictated by Physicians, Nurses and other Healthcare Practitioners. Go Transcript, have several specialized medical transcriptionists that have years of field experience and have the potency to do exceptional work at transcribing your medical records. ...

  • based in USA

    Choose from a variety of convenient report delivery options so you never miss a result. Avero Connect: Electronic medical record (EMR) or laboratory information system (LIS) integration. Avero Link: Online access via the COPIA Genetics and Pathology Portal. Avero Print: Avero-installed printer in your office that prints diagnostic reports as they are ...

  • Use Reliable Information for all shredding needs - if some documents are disposed in our security containers on a regular basis and others are shredded outside of standards process, it draws attention to activity. Shred Everything - Health information, Employment Application Records, Account information, Outdated Business Files, Accounting, Fax Records, Payroll ...

  • based in USA

    Our engineering team is ready to scale your genomic testing operations and expand your precision medicine program with API and HL7-based integration with your institution's electronic medical record, laboratory information system, and enterprise data ...

  • based in USA

    Patients and their treating physicians receive decision support and access to leading therapeutics and diagnostics in return for ongoing access to their electronic medical records throughout their cancer journey. This direct patient engagement yields continuous, prospective Real World Evidence (RWE) targeted to accelerate the development and commercialization of ...

  • based in USA

    Donor screening exclusion criteria is performed via donor physical inspection, interview with a person who knew the donor, review of available medical records, and a review of autopsy findings (when applicable). Individuals considered to be at high risk for AIDS or hepatitis as defined by the FDA and CDC are excluded from ...

  • based in USA

    Noblis effectively assists public-sector entities as they use enabling technology to solve many of the challenges that are commonplace in today’s healthcare environment. Appropriate use of IT can help improve the quality of care, reduce the costs of healthcare, prevent medical errors, and improve efficiencies as increased automation facilitates paperwork and workflow. ...

  • based in INDIA

    Wide range of data entry projects are handled at Zeta Softech. Our Data entry division is dedicated to provide fast and accurate data entry and data conversion services to our clients globally at the lowest possible cost and turn-around-time. Data can be captured from printed, scanned images and online to perform data entry services. We have the resources, technology and experience in digitizing ...

  • based in USA

    WoundMatrix Custom Integration Services are focused on the areas of Software Development, Documentation and ...

  • based in USA

    In the last 30 years, safety features in motor vehicles have evolved tremendously to include crush zones, advanced seatbelts and airbags, head restraints and more. However, despite the latest safety features available in motor vehicles, injuries are still a common result in collisions. The science of impact biomechanics examines the forces that act on a human body during a motor vehicle collision ...

  • based in SOUTH KOREA

    EVIX-PV/PMS™ is an on-demand, postmarketing surveillance (PMS) service using EvidNet’s RWD/RWE Platform. ...

  • based in INDIA

    Data collection is time consuming, expensive and still the data collected could be messy as it always keeps ...

  • based in CANADA

    Over the years, Omnimed has developed a large network of caregivers with whom we work daily. Always keeping in mind our primary objective to offer tools that help improving healthcare by bringing together stakeholders and sharing information, we have launched an innovative project which allows general practitioners to contact specialists through a simple computerized ...

  • based in USA

    With more than 3,000 college-educated coders, 600 certified coders, and an award-winning internal coder training academy, you can be confident in our team’s ability to support your operations today, while keeping up with the ever-changing coding regulations of the ...

  • based in USA

    Supporting your clinical research program. By teaming up with our Clinical Services team, you can reduce time to clinical trial activation while improving clinical research ...

  • based in CANADA

    Care trajectories ensure an optimal transition from an environment to another, for example, when a patient comes back home after his discharge from the hospital. They are based on a shared care plan among healthcare professionals that coordinate their actions to achieve the best possible results for the ...

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