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Medical Emergency Service Services

5 services found
  • based in USA

    Sepsis is a condition that occurs when the body over-reacts to serious infection. It is a medical emergency and is life threatening. Sepsis almost always starts with an infection somewhere in the body. These infections are usally taken care of by the immune system effectively, but sometimes the immune system over-reacts, resulting in sepsis. ...

  • based in USA

    TargetSolutions offers a comprehensive catalog of online EMS continuing education courses that is accepted in most states. Our courses allow first responders, EMT-Basics, EMT-Intermediates and EMT-Paramedics to complete their continuing education requirements in an engaging and easy-to-use ...

  • Manufactured by Motorola Solutions
    based in USA

    Stay Ahead of the Fire with Mission Critical Intelligence. Clear mission-critical audio combined with real time data to Incident Commanders allows for informed, proactive decision making. By integrating unparalleled voice, immersive data applications and radios designed for fire fighters, responders are able to work safer and smarter to improve real-time decision-making ...

  • based in AUSTRALIA

    4cRisk provides onsite emergency medical care services to clients located both nationally and ...

  • based in ISRAEL

    Flight medical ventilators are “critical care” ventilators on-the-go. Designed for use in ambulances and with stretchers, Flight medical ventilators are vital when lives are at stake. Flight medical ventilators allow mobile medical intervention in all intensive care environments, both inside and outside of a hospital ...

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