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Knee Surgery Services

6 services found
  • based in GEORGIA

    Hip or knee surgery may be required when there is pain or injury to the joint. While non-surgical treatment methods are initially prescribed, hip or knee surgery often becomes the necessary treatment for these conditions. ...

  • Our therapy has successfully provided relief for patients with severe knee pain from osteoarthritis or other arthritis as well as patients with residual knee pain from unsuccessful orthopedic knee surgery. We have also provided relief for patients with acute knee injuries such as a torn meniscus or torn ligaments ...

  • Manufactured by Alfa Chemistry
    based in USA

    Rivaroxaban is a prescription medicine for treatment of thromboembolic diseases mainly used to treat and prevent the symptoms of the deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prior to hip or knee replacement surgery, treat the venous thromboembolism (VTE) and nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, and treat DVT and pulmonary embolism (PE). Alfa Chemistry offers high quality of ...

  • Manufactured by Conformis
    based in USA

    Our Platinum Services program upgrades you to our fully personalized Identity implant and includes the industry’s first knee replacement limited warranty for ...

  • Manufactured by IMPLANET
    based in FRANCE

    MPLANET dedicates this vision to everyone working in the care system: manufacturers of health products, healthcare facilities, practitioners, operating theatre staff as well as health budget and expenditure administrative ...

  • Manufactured by B-Cure Laser
    based in ISRAEL

    Knee pain causes include tears in ligaments, arthritis, meniscus, inflammation of the kneecap tendon (tendonitis), osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Knee pains are one of the most common types of pain, in fact, 80 percent of those aged 45 and over suffer knee ...

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