Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) protocols are multidisciplinary perioperative care pathways. ERAS and multimodal protocols with EXPAREL improve postsurgical outcomes*.
Servcies Overview
- ERAS protocols are multimodal pathways for comprehensive perioperative care that help make early recovery after surgery possible by supporting preoperative organ function and reducing postsurgical stress1
- ERAS protocols have been shown to reduce complications and morbidity rate as well as generate cost savings2,3
- One of the key elements in ERAS protocols is use of multimodal pain management strategies to minimize opioid-based postsurgical pain control4
- Evidence is growing that the addition of EXPAREL to ERAS protocols improves postsurgical outcomes for a variety of surgical procedures:
- Hernia repair5
- Breast reconstruction6
- Lumpectomy7
- Liver surgery8
- Abdominal wall reconstruction9
- Nephrectomy10
- Thoracotomy11
- Spinal surgery12
- C-section13
- TKA (total knee arthroplasty)14
Enhanced recovery protocols with multimodal analgesia reduce opioid consumption, ORAEs, and improve recovery outcomes15
- ERAS protocols are multimodal pathways for comprehensive perioperative care that help make early recovery after surgery possible by supporting preoperative organ function and reducing postsurgical stress1
- ERAS protocols have been shown to reduce complications and morbidity rate as well as generate cost savings2,3
- One of the key elements in ERAS protocols is use of multimodal pain management strategies to minimize opioid-based postsurgical pain control4
- Evidence is growing that the addition of EXPAREL to ERAS protocols improves postsurgical outcomes for a variety of surgical procedures:
- Hernia repair5
- Breast reconstruction6
- Lumpectomy7
- Liver surgery8
- Abdominal wall reconstruction9
- Nephrectomy10
- Thoracotomy11
- Spinal surgery12
- C-section13
- TKA (total knee arthroplasty)14
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