GIE Media, Inc.

GIE Media, Inc.

Custom Publishing Services


Advertorials: These high-visibility marketing tools provide a unique opportunity for industry suppliers to highlight corporate commitment, product strength, or innovative services. Each is custom developed by our editorial team and inserted in our magazines and can be overrun for use in one-on-one sales and marketing efforts.

Overview Services

Case Studies
By sharing your customer's experience with your product, a case study provides a third party endorsement of your company and product. Each case study allows a distinct look at how your company and your product is part of the solution.

Whether you are ordering 100, 1,000 or 25,000, our article reprint service is a cost-effective, high-impact marketing tool designed to showcase your company's products and services to key customers and prospects. Using article reprints allows you to distribute valuable information about your company in a professional format, straight from the pages of the most widely-read publications in the industry. Our professional staff customizes each article reprint to fit your marketing or training needs. The article reprints can include a company logo, mission statement or targeted sales message to meet your specific marketing objectives.

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