Construction Management Service
From Project Services
PegasusTSI has constructed facilities for the petrochemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical, fertilizer, and polymers and chemicals industries, in the US and throughout the world. The construction organization includes a pool of qualified construction managers and other key field personnel. Construction personnel are selected specifically to suit each job.
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In the early stages of the project, construction i...
In the early stages of the project, construction is involved with the site survey, estimating, planning the heavy rigging logistics, scheduling, constructability reviews, developing a detailed plan of construction execution, and developing the procedures and control programs under which the field staff will operate. As managing contractor on numerous projects, PegasusTSI is frequently responsible for the coordination and management of construction subcontract activities. These activities range from the initial analysis and definition of the work to be subcontracted through the acceptance of the executed project by the client.
PegasusTSI's subcontract planning and execution methods meet the demands for tight budgets and fast-track schedules. Experienced project management teams, supported by a home office staff of technical specialists in engineering, construction, estimating, procurement, planning, cost control and quality assurance, ensure effective development of the subcontract work scopes, associated documentation and execution of subcontracts.
PegasusTSI’s objective is to ensure that the overall construction execution plan meets the project goals and that the engineering documents meet the overall requirements for bidding, pricing, installation, check-out, and turnover.
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