Hill+Knowlton Strategies

Hill+Knowlton Strategies

Analyst + Influencer Relations


A comprehensive communications program includes analyst + influencer relations. Business, citizens and consumers alike face a flood of nuanced information about technology, the environment, their health and their finances. Content creators increasingly call on specialized experts to help explain complex trends to their audiences in areas including technology, health, public policy, finance, transportation and energy. Driving decisions and perceptions within these sectors is a selection of influencers including analysts, industry veterans and academics.

These influencers directly advise businesses and g...

These influencers directly advise businesses and government on major spending decisions — reinforcing or challenging the flow of information through traditional media channels. Their counsel can shape markets and the regulation of entire industries.

Hill+Knowlton Strategies engages these powerful opinion leaders in a way that is designed to provide “air cover” for your overall sales and marketing spend.

Industry analyst relations and beyond: having the right conversations with the right experts

Our Analyst Relations team masters industry concepts and knowledge to find the right associations between an organization’s intellectual capital and influencers’ interests. Influencers are then able to share these insights with their own end-customers and the industry at large.

  • H+K’s AR team is a dedicated global practice with a team of full-time AR professionals who focus exclusively on building dialogues and relationships with elite influencers.
  • Our team includes professionals who have worked at analyst houses and built successful AR programs for Fortune 500 clients and start-ups.  
  • H+K invests in subscriptions  with all the top-tier technology research firms including Gartner, Forrester and IDC, and has full access to industry analyst opinions and perceptions through private consultations protected by nondisclosure agreements.
  • H+K’s team has the insight to identify and engage emerging influencers (often in academia or in firms that specialize in certain industries) who may not fall into the traditional definition of an industry analyst.

We offer the following influencer and analyst relations services.

Influencer/Analyst Consultation and Strategy

  • AR program benchmarking and design
  • AR training modules for PR, executives, sales teams and AR specialists
  • Executive-to-analyst coverage matrices and “Analyst Buddy” program design
  • Analyst audits, customer perception audits and qualitative analysis
  • Influencer roadmap and target Lists
  • Analyst interaction coaching
  • Influencer champions program
  • AR coverage benchmarks and metrics
  • AR organization & management counsel

In-bound AR

  • Message testing and validation
  • Research and inquiry support
  • Analyst days and events
  • Consulting days (management and facilitation)
  • Market analysis and competitive SWOT
  • Vendor recommendations and contract negotiations

Out-bound AR

  • Gartner Magic Quadrant and Forrester Wave Optimization
  • Vendor rating report optimization
  • Tours
  • Ongoing outreach
  • Briefings
  • Newsletters and alerts
  • Securing analyst support and champion program management
  • Monitored social media engagements between client experts and external influencers

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