- MicroOrganoSphere (MOS) Technology


Xilis’ proprietary MicroOrganoSphere (MOS) technology represents a new standard in patient-derived micro-tumor production. From each patient, MOS retains unique patient tissue structure, genetic alterations, gene expression, immune microenvironment and histopathology. Overcoming major limitations of widely used, yet limited, models including xenografts and organoids, MOS offers unprecedented speed, scalability, and predictivity in a small-scale model, opening up tremendous opportunities using patient-derived micro-tumors in drug development and discovery as well as drug prioritization assays for patients.

Efficient - Scalable - Consistent

Xilis’ proprietary hardware is a highly adaptable microscale encapsulation system for the manipulation and study of complex and biologically-relevant 3D models of tissue. By combining microfluidics, extracellular-matrices, robotics, protocols, assays, and expertise, the MOS technology offers a rapid, automated, scalable and reproducible solution that is uniquely suited for the advancement of translational research.

Capturing the Entire Patient Tumor

Xilis’ MOS technology recapitulates the complexity and diversity of a patient’s primary tissue. The figure shows the cluster distribution of gene expression across all cell populations in tissue (left) and from MOS (right). When superimposed, the two graphs are indistinguishable. This demonstrates that MOS maintains the same heterogeneous tumor microenvironment found in primary tissue samples. Therefore, MOS accurately represents a patient’s complete disease state and is a predictive tumor model suitable for measuring cell viability and drug response, and most importantly, the prioritization of patient care.

MOS technology recapitulates the complexity and diversity of a patient’s primary tissue. This data has been presented at ASCO 2021MOS can accurately represent a patient’s complete disease state and is a predictive tumor model suitable for measuring cell viability and drug response, and more importantly, the prioritization of patient care.

The MOS technology overcomes issues of reproducibi...

The MOS technology overcomes issues of reproducibility with conventional organoid technologies for evaluating drug response. As shown in the image, we can generate reproducible data that allows for better consistency, accuracy and efficiency through automated procedures that reduce hands-on time for lab personnel.

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