Wardray Premise Ltd

Wardray Premise Ltd

- Model MR8550 - MRI Patient Monitoring System



Wardray Premise are pleased to introduce the latest state of the art MR Patient Monitor. The Tesla M3® has been specifically developed for monitoring during MRI examinations. The monitor and user interface have been designed in co-operation with clinical users and fulfil all the requirements of a modern patient monitor.


Easy handling of sensors and accessories, and the intuitive user menu have been the driving force during the development of the Tesla M3®.

The Tesla M3®can be configured according to your individual needs and all components can be upgraded at any time. Wireless SPO2 and ECG sensors make it easy and convenient to connect the patient to the monitor. The package includes one year warranty.

Please call our sales office for further details or to request a demonstration.

  • 15” multi colour touch screen
  • Up to 6 waveforms can be displayed.
  • Wireless ECG and pulse oximetry.
  • Up to 2 channels each of IBP and temperature.
  • Automatic gas analysis with MAC.
  • Wireless 15” multi colour touch screen/remote control
  • Suitable for use up to and including 3.0T
  • Advanced selectable digital filtering of ECG
  • Mains or battery operation
  • Accessories to suit all patient groups
  • Two year warranty

Optional Extras

  • Capno + Agents Module
  • IBP (maximum of 2)
  • Temperature Channel 1
  • Temperature Channel 2
  • Remote Display/Control

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